Fa guide GUIDE FOR FACULTY OUTREACH Outreach Resources for Faculty Published by the O ?ce of the Vice President for University Outreach CCarnegie Foundation Classi ?cation for COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Curricular Engagement and Outreach and Partnerships CAubur

GUIDE FOR FACULTY OUTREACH Outreach Resources for Faculty Published by the O ?ce of the Vice President for University Outreach CCarnegie Foundation Classi ?cation for COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Curricular Engagement and Outreach and Partnerships CAuburn University ? s Outreach Mission Auburn University is committed to applying its educational resources to the problems and issues faced by citizens of the state region nation and world Through academic departments outreach centers and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System Auburn ? s outreach programming addresses economic development government professional continuing education youth cultural preservation agriculture and natural resources Our goal as always is to provide e ?ective and e ?cient programs and services for our fellow Alabamians Vision Statement Our vision of outreach consists of a thriving partnership between Auburn University faculty sta ? and students on the one hand and the people and communities of Alabama and beyond on the other In this vision the people and their communities routinely make e ?ective use of the resources of Auburn University to serve their needs and help them solve their problems and improve the quality of their lives The providers of those resources within the University especially the faculty routinely and con ?dently commit portions of their time and expertise to outreach secure in the knowledge that their work will be reliably assessed and rewarded within their own institution and within the broader academy The University acts not only to maintain e ?ective and e ?cient connections with established constituencies but also to discover emerging constituencies and cultivate appropriate connections to them CCONTENTS Introduction De ?nition of Outreach and Related Terms Outreach Organization and Focus Relationships Among Scholarly Contributions Policies and Procedures Resources for Faculty Faculty Outreach Scholarship Grants Outreach Scholarship Symposia Award for Excellence in Faculty Outreach For More Information CINTRODUCTION Among Auburn University ? s three principal missions is Outreach the application of university expertise beyond the traditional campus setting to the bene ?t of external constituents Outreach occurs in many forms such as non-credit instruction distance instruction technical assistance service learning applied research the technology transfer The majority of outreach at the university is produced by faculty By performing outreach faculty improve the quality of life in Alabama and beyond and they gain valuable experience and insights that can inform their teaching and research Thus outreach is an important expression of the faculty ? s disciplinary expertise and scholarship This booklet provides a brief overview of faculty outreach at Auburn University including de ?nitions of outreach and related terms organization of outreach faculty roles handbook citations and other policies relevant to faculty outreach and helpful resources available to faculty CDEFINITION OF OUTREACH AND RELATED TERMS Universities use many terms to de ?ne or categorize faculty involvement with the external community public service community or civic engagement outreach continuing education and lifelong learning to name a few At Auburn University the term ??outreach ? is in general use in academic policy and university publications referring collectively to any form of scholarly engagement The

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