Nortel planning guide Planning Guide SONET Transmission Products S DMS TransportNode OC- OC- NE ??TBM Release Planning Guide Document release Issue Date Jan PG - NTR AA CF D Nortel Networks All rights reserved Printed in Canada All information contained i

Planning Guide SONET Transmission Products S DMS TransportNode OC- OC- NE ??TBM Release Planning Guide Document release Issue Date Jan PG - NTR AA CF D Nortel Networks All rights reserved Printed in Canada All information contained in this document is subject to change without notice Northern Telecom reserves the right to make changes to equipment design or program components as progress in engineering manufacturing methods or other circumstances may warrant Ci Contents Introduction Supported Con ?gurations for OC- OC- TBM Release OC- OC- TBM Release Summary of Features New and Enhanced Features Operation Administration and Maintenance OAM Features New and enhanced features Auto-In-Service AINS functionality Facility Alarm Masking DS Remote Test Unit Loopback con ?gurations DS RTU capabilities User Interface DS RTU Logs Testing scenario In-Service Monitoring scenario DS Enhancements OC- Tributary Synchronization Status Messaging OC- Tributary Protection Slot Provisioning Expansion Matched Nodes enhancements ssquery tool Sonet SDH Signal Mode Provisioning Ring-Link Parity Switch Requirements In-Service NE Renumbering Functional overview INM Preside Application Platform and TL CLEI enhancements Software Upgrades to Release Upgrade Autoresume Healthcheck Enhancements Hardware Baseline File Delivery Release Planning Guide PG OC - Issue Cii Contents Operation Administration and Maintenance features Operation Administration and Maintenance OAM Features NE Name Expansion NE ID enhancements OPC name enhancements OPC Centralized User Administration CUA Enhancement Security Enhancements Account activity information nodal Account activity information on SOC - wide including both OPCs basis Dormant Account Disabling Keyboard Autolock upon Inactivity Intrusion attempt handling New logs TCP IP Access Control User interface Engineering rules New and modi ?ed alarms New and modi ?ed logs DCC Access Control User interface Clearing Access Violation Alarms on OPC or Network Element Engineering rules New and modi ?ed alarms New and modi ?ed logs SelectNE Access Restriction Tool Functionality User interface Operational considerations OPC Audit Trail OPC Security SEC Log contents Log access and protection New OPC Security Alarms Events to be logged New and modi ?ed logs and alarms Engineering rules NE Audit Trail Secret NE Security SECU Logs Log valid invalid login attempts and logouts Log user account activities Uploading the Security Logs to the OPC Reading SECU logs on the NE using the ??Opensecret ? command Engineering rules NE Enhancements New and Enhanced NE Alarms PTSAMPLER CI tool enhancement OPC Alarms Enhancements Alarms on an Inactive OPC Engineering rules Customized alarm on an NE NE and OPC Area Address Provisioning S DMS TransportNode OC- OC- TBM PG OC - Issue CContents iii Recon ?guring the Data Communication Network DCN via Area Address manipulation Introduction to Areas and Area Addresses OPC Area Address Provisioning dialog New Sync dialog and modi ?ed Transfer data to SLAT OPC dialog NE User Interface Disabled Alarms Listing Tool User interface Display of Con ?guration Mismatch Details User interface Correction of Connection Mismatches in a Linear System Feature implementation TL Enhancements TL Security TL Interface Router Services over TCP IP TL Alarm Filtering Alarm reporting to the pointer network element TID Active alarm reporting to the newly activated

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  • Publié le Apv 04, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 681.3kB