University of the people course registration guide 1

University of the People Course Registration guide CTABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Getting started Step Log in to the student portal Step Choose a course that interests you Step Select the course Step Review your chosen courses and the registration status in the Status box Proctor information - Choosing a proctored course and assigning your proctor Step Add a proctor to your course registration Step Con ?rm the proctor meets the requirements Additional Proctor information - Changing your proctor Personalize your course schedule view Canceling a course Registration update emails Contact us for more information CIntroduction Registration ?? an easy step guide This document is intended to help you to register for University of the People courses We have covered all the basics and have tried to answer the most common questions we receive from students during the registration period Registration is open for weeks each term You can see the dates on the University of the People Academic Calendar at http uopeople edu groups academic calendars Registration for courses is available on a ?rst-come ?rst-served basis so we suggest you register early in the main registration period to avoid disappointment There are three di ?erent course types at UoPeople Required Courses All the programs of study have required courses which all students must complete to satisfy the program requirements Reqiuired-Proctored Courses University of the People students are required to successfully complete a number of proctored exams prior to graduation according to their degree program You can read more about the proctoring process here https students uopeople edu pdf ProctoringExamsInstuctionstoStudent pdf Elective Courses these are taken from the general education program and will allow students to expand their general knowledge across a wide range of subjects You can only chose one course at a time and you will repeat the steps below for each course you wish to register for CGetting started Step Log in to the student portal https students uopeople edu login aspx Click ? add a course ? Step Choose a course that interests you and that you have the pre requisites for either you have passed the prerequisite or you are currently studying it Not all courses will be available every term Note If you are unsure which courses you should register for you can contact the Advising O ?ce for assistance at Advising uopeople edu You can read more about each course by expanding the ? read more ? box CStep Select the course You have a chance now to either cancel the selected course by clicking ? cancel ? or to con ?rm your course by clicking ? con ?rm registration ? CStep Review your chosen courses and the registration status in the Status box The status reason explains the status assigned to your course ? Processing request ? means the registration request is valid Final approval will usually happen at the end of the term after the ?nal exam period ? Request pending ? means the registration is pending successful completion of the pe-requisite

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