Gci lime bibliography 1 THE GCI Project Bibliographies SERIES Preservation of Lime Mortars and Plasters Sorted by Author March CGCI LIME MORTARS AND PLASTERS BIBLIOGRAPHY ??INTRODUCTION MARCH The Getty Conservation Institute The Getty Conservation Institu

THE GCI Project Bibliographies SERIES Preservation of Lime Mortars and Plasters Sorted by Author March CGCI LIME MORTARS AND PLASTERS BIBLIOGRAPHY ??INTRODUCTION MARCH The Getty Conservation Institute The Getty Conservation Institute works internationally to advance conservation and to enhance and encourage the preservation and understanding of the visual arts in all of their dimensions ?? objects collections architecture and sites The Institute serves the conservation community through scienti ?c research education and training ?eld projects and the dissemination of the results of both its work and the work of others in the ?eld In all its endeavors the Institute is committed to addressing unanswered questions and to promoting the highest possible standards of conservation practice GCI Project Bibliographies Project bibliographies represent a distillation of many years of research by Getty Conservation Institute sta ? in support of a given project The unique bibliographic resources available at the Getty Center and in the Los Angeles area make it possible for GCI sta ? to access and review literature that is not easily obtainable by many conservation practitioners With this unique opportunity comes a unique responsibility to share the results of this research with the conservation community and other interested parties Lime Mortar and Plaster Research at the GCI Lime-based mortars plasters and stuccoes are among the most common binding materials ?? as well as surface components on walls ??found in archaeological and historical buildings The Building Materials Section of the Getty Conservation Institute ? s Science Group is conducting research in three main areas related to these materials Preservation and Weathering Insu ?cient cohesion and lack of adhesion are the most important weathering phenomena associated with mortars Deterioration of the mortar can be a result of its original composition This includes the type of aggregate used the binder aggregate ratio which determines the physico-mechanical properties of the material and the mineralogical composition that in uences the durability of the mortar in the environment Environmental factors including salt contamination sometimes a secondary e ?ect of prior treatments play an important role in the deterioration process http www getty edu conservation publications pdfpublications lmpbibalpha pdf Page of CGCI LIME MORTARS AND PLASTERS BIBLIOGRAPHY ??INTRODUCTION MARCH Conservation and Treatment During restorative interventions such as grouting or ?lling of lacunae it is important that the physical properties of the adhesive or replacement mortars closely match those of the substrate in order to minimize potential incompatibility between the materials Modern materials such as cement or cement-lime blends often cause failure or lead to increased deterioration of the underlying brick or stone substrate adjacent zones or original lime based materials Scienti ?c investigations on test mixtures - manufactured and cured under standardized conditions - can lower the risk of failure and increase the durability of the restorative intervention Technology and Dating In addition to providing valuable information for conservation purposes the study of mortar technology can contribute to the scholarly interpretation of art and artifacts from the past In some cases ??especially when carried out in conjunction

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