Groove guide 453 Gigs Music Arts FILM TV Games Gadgets Food BARS Gear FREE SHIT WORTH DOING Danny Boyle ? s TRANCE Bonnie Michael GI Joe TAHUNA Raitt Kiwanuka Retaliation BREAKS MAR - APR NZ ? S biggest FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ C C
Gigs Music Arts FILM TV Games Gadgets Food BARS Gear FREE SHIT WORTH DOING Danny Boyle ? s TRANCE Bonnie Michael GI Joe TAHUNA Raitt Kiwanuka Retaliation BREAKS MAR - APR NZ ? S biggest FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ C Cexperience a real connection Opens March Free entry OVpiseint itnegpawpeae gkoevntd nezvents artstopping Rita Angus Leo Bensemann oil on canvas detail Gift of Rita Angus Estate Te Papa - - Photograph by Kate Whitley Te Papa C YEARS EVENTS CITIES COUNTRIES SPEAKERS ATTENDEES EXHIBITIONS EVENT BOOKS MAY JUNE semipermanent com buytickets co nz CShit Worth Knowing grooveguide co nz NEWS Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile website for breaking news reviews interviews and more features We also do this cool social media stu ? GrooveGuide facebook com grooveguide Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact jaime grooveguide co nz or call EDITOR Grant Hislop editor grooveguide co nz Editorial Manager Tyler Hislop tyler grooveguide co nz SUB Editor Laura Weaser laura grooveguide co nz Designer Greta Gotlieb greta grooveguide co nz Intern Shirlee Xue Advertising sales grooveguide co nz Accounts Gail Hislop gail grooveguide co nz GEAR Bronte Taylor gear grooveguide co nz Contributors Laura Weaser Tim Gruar Sebastian Mackay Penny Harris Conrad Reyners Proofs Ellen Moorhead print PMP Maxum Publisher Hark Entertainment LTD PO Box Wellesley Street Auckland due to space and content requirements not all gigs may be listed listings are user generated groove guide assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies errors or omissions groove guide is provided ? as is ? for your information only without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to ?tness for a particular purpose and non-infringment the guide ? s publisher assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies errors or omissions in this guide and do not share the opinions expressed within reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited copyright ISSN - X Opiucrk THE BEST IS YET TO COME Bobby Womack is set to play one Auckland show in May with his -piece band His latest album due out soon is tellingly titled The Best Is Yet To Come Womack will bring years of rhythm blues to the stage but what he will perform in New Zealand is anyone ? s guess One thing is for sure it will be dripping with soul Be sure to catch this legend while you can it may be your last chance SEE HIM LIVE BOBBY WOMACK SAT MAY CIVIC THEATRE AUCKLAND TICKETS ON SALE WED MAR THE-EDGE CO NZ ROMANCE LOST After years together My Chemical Romance has called it quits The announcement was made through their website last Friday
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- Publié le Mar 21, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 182.7kB