Nzf zakat guide 1 Your guide to understanding and calculating ZAKAT Every Muslim community in the world needs a mechanism to uphold the pillar of Zakat just as our mosques uphold the pillar of Salat This is what we tasked ourselves with in when we launche
Your guide to understanding and calculating ZAKAT Every Muslim community in the world needs a mechanism to uphold the pillar of Zakat just as our mosques uphold the pillar of Salat This is what we tasked ourselves with in when we launched the National Zakat Foundation NZF in the UK NZF is now the premier Zakat institution for the UK Muslim community serving Zakat payers and recipients nationwide By providing a complete Zakat service within the UK NZF aims to achieve its vision of a pious con ?dent sel ess and self-su ?cient UK Muslim community where no individual in need is left abandoned It is the only organisation providing an end-to-end Zakat service encompassing Education Calculation Collection and Distribution of Zakat funds for the bene ?t of local deserving recipients This group includes some of the most vulnerable members of the community including the homeless refugees asylum seekers single parents and the elderly Our Aim Our aim is for every pound of Zakat that should be paid by Muslims in the UK to be paid accurately and appropriately We also strive to ensure that those living in our midst who are eligible to receive Zakat are not forgotten and that they are supported in the most impactful possible way NZF distributes of its Zakat funds in line with the Qur ? an and Sunnah with its Zakat policies and practices being authenticated and audited by the AlQalam Shari ? ah Panel Some of the signi ?cant achievements of NZF As of May raised over ? m of Zakat funds for distribution within the UK Processed over applications for hardship grants from individuals and families in the UK su ?ering from various forms of destitution Appointed Imams and Scholars specialising in Zakat to work full time with NZF to develop its Services for Zakat payers Established four supported housing projects for homeless women London Birmingham and Manchester and prison leavers London only Appointed the Zakat Education Partner of Al Rayan Bank for and and in appointed as its Zakat Services Partner extending its services to Al Rayan customers to include Zakat calculation and collection in addition to education Delivered the World Islamic Economic Forum ? s ?rst formal session on the subject of Zakat in Helped launch the NZF model successfully in Australia and Canada This guide The shari ? ah accuracy of this guide as well as NZF ? s Zakat disbursement policy has been approved by the Al-Qalam Shari ? ah Panel For further information please visit alqalam org uk Al-Qalam Shari ? ah Panel Mufti Zubair Butt Mufti Barkatulla Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam Al-Kawthari Mufti Yusuf Sacha Imam Abu Eesa Niamatullah Shaykh Abdul Qayyum and Shaykh Haytham Tamim NZF would like to acknowledge st Ethical Charitable Trust ? s Zakat Guide as the core literature used in the preparation of this document NZF works closely with st Ethical in providing Zakat educational materials throughout the UK st Ethical is a British Muslim educational charity which aims to
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- Publié le Jul 10, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 42.9kB