Herlinger the lucidarium Document généré le mai Canadian University Music Review Canadian University Music Review Jan W Herlinger The Lucidarium of Marchetto of Padua Chicago University of Chicago Press xvi pp Bryan Gillingham Numéro Aller au sommaire du

Document généré le mai Canadian University Music Review Canadian University Music Review Jan W Herlinger The Lucidarium of Marchetto of Padua Chicago University of Chicago Press xvi pp Bryan Gillingham Numéro Aller au sommaire du numéro Éditeur s Canadian University Music Society Société de musique des universités canadiennes ISSN - imprimé - numérique Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Bryan Gillingham Jan W Herlinger The Lucidarium of Marchetto of Padua Chicago University of Chicago Press xvi pp Canadian University Music Review ?? Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur L'utilisation des services ? Canadian University Music Society Société de musiqued'Érudit y compris la reproduction est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous des universités canadiennes pouvez consulter en ligne https apropos erudit org fr usagers politique- dutilisation Cet article est di ?usé et préservé par Érudit Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l ? Université de Montréal l ? Université Laval et l ? Université du Québec à Montréal Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche www erudit org C JAN W HERLINGER The Lucidarium of Marchetto of Padua Chicago University of Chicago Press xvi pp The Lucidarium or giver of light shines forth in a new critical edition translation and commentary by Jan Herlinger This recasting of her dissertation includes a sixty- ?ve page introduction dealing with the treatise its author sources and editorial procedures as well as pages of edition ?? Latin original on the versos facing the English translation on the rectos throughout ?? a convenient format for those who like to check In the margins as quasi-rubrics are to be found exhaustive running comments which document variants errors sources and the like The large volume concludes with three indices Technical Terms Theorists and Sources Quoted or Paraphrased and Chants to be found as examples scattered through the pages The book appears to have been produced on a typewriter or word processor with restricted capability for the fonts are very limited no Italics Slant or Boldface types nor are right margins justi ?ed The only typographical variance is the size reduction of marginal comments and footnotes The musical examples seem to be hand-copied rather than engraved but they are perfectly neat and clear The hardbound binding and paper are of good quality In such a large volume the savings realized by the use of inexpensive production methods are quite substantial with little sacri ?ce other than an aesthetic one with respect to appearance in the quality of the emanating message Marchetto wrote the Lucidarium sometime in or and it is an important treatise of the Ars Nova though he eschews that favorite subject of the period rhythm for the most part deliberately leaving it to the Pomerium a little later In fact it is rather conservative in that it deals with plainchant rather than the innovative polyphony of the period His comments are often derivative reiterations of theory dating back to antiquity quotations from

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