Ibn taymiyya bibliographie
Ibn Taymiyya Bibliographie For an annotated bibliography of works on Ibn Taymiyya see Jon Hoover Ibn Taymiyya Oxford Bibliographies Online link Edited volumes Times Rapoport Yossef and Shahab Ahmed eds Ibn Taymiyya and His Times Karachi Oxford University Press Debating Krawietz Birgit and Georges Tamer eds Islamic Theology Philosophy and Law Debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya Berlin de Gruyter Articles books and book chapters Abou el Fadl Khaled Rebellion and Violence in Islamic Law Cambridge Cambridge University Press Abrahamov Binyamin ??Ibn Taymiyya on the Agreement of Reason with Tradition ? The Muslim World - - Ajhar A Hakim ??The Forgotten Rational Thinking in the anbalite Thought With Special Reference to Ibn Taymiyya ? Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies ?? open access Ahmed Shahab ??Ibn Taymiyyah and the Satanic Verses ? Studia Islamica - Aigle Denise ??A Religious Response to Ghazan Khan ? s Invasions of Syria The Three ? Anti-Mongol ? Fatwas of Ibn Taymiyya ? In The Mongol Empire between Myth and Reality Studies in Anthropological History ?? Leiden Brill Slight revision of The Mongol Invasions Aigle Denise ??The Mongol Invasions of Bil ?d Al-Sh ?m by Gh ?z ?n Kh ?n and Ibn Taym yah ? s Three ??Anti-Mongol ? Fatwas ? Maml k Studies Review - Open access from journal website Al-Azmeh Aziz ??Orthodoxy and anbalite Fideism ? Arabica - CAli Mohamed M Yunis Medieval Islamic Pragmatics Sunni Theorists ? Models of Textual Communication Richmond Surrey UK Curzon al- Jamil Tariq ??Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Mu ?ahhar al- ill Shi i Polemics and the Struggle for Religious Authority in Medieval Islam ? In Times - Al-Matroudi Abdul-Hakim ??Ibn Taymiyyah's Evaluation of Istihsan in the Hanbali School of Law ? Islamic Studies - Al-Matroudi Abdul Hakim ??The Removal of Blame from the Great Im ?ms An Annotated Translation of Ibn Taymiyyah ? s Raf al-Mal ?m an al-A immat alA l ?m ? Islamic Studies - Al-Matroudi Abdul Hakim I The anbal School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah Con ict or Conciliation London Routledge Amitai Reuven ??The Mongol Occupation of Damascus in A Study of Mamluk Loyalties ? In The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian Politics and Society ed A Levanoni and M Winter - Leiden Brill Anjum Ovamir Politics Law and Community in Islamic Thought The Taymiyyan Moment Cambridge Cambridge University Press Antrim Zayde ??The Politics of Place in the Works of Ibn Taym yah and Ibn Fa ? l All ?h Al- Umar ? Maml k Studies Review - ?? Open access Arabi Oussama ??Contract Stipulations Shur ? in Islamic Law The Ottoman Majalla and Ibn Taymiyya ? International Journal of Middle East Studies - Baugh Carolyn ??Ibn Taymiyya ? s Feminism Imprisonment and the Divorce Fatw ?s ? In Muslima Theology The Voices of Muslim Women Theologians ed Ednan Aslan Marcia Hermansen and Elif Medeni ?? Frankfurt Peter Lang Open access Bazzano Elliott A ??Ibn Taymiyya Radical Polymath Religion Compass Part Scholarly Perceptions ? ?? ??Part Intellectual Contributions ? ?? Belhaj Abdessamad
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- Publié le Jui 20, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 90.1kB