Installation guide divise italiane eup per lspdfr 0 4 7 italian uniforms
Divise italiane EUP per LSPDFR - Italian uniforms INSTALLATION GUIDE Current version released in Credits In this mod has been used third parts mods like LSPDFR EUP Con ?gurations ?? EUP Serve Rescue - EUP Info The new version of LSPDFR has added a more customization of the game player and also new many functions on it After its released has been necessary to develop new uniforms compatible with the new script This mod is a working in progress release new versions could be released soon It is important to be updates because new versions could ?x problems or bugs In case of errors please notice it to the developer Known bugs The following bugs has been detected Sometimes the game freeze and close specially at the on duty join Probable cause too many mods installed on your game or a not updated mod Solution if the problem happens rarely just try restarting the game and trying again otherwise reinstall the whole game and try to reinstall one by one the mod to ?nd the mod which cause the problem As already posted in the mod developer page the EUP for LSPDFR does not work with EUP Menu addon Sometimes when you join on duty you could display ??lspdfr has stopped to work ? This could be caused by a delay on the lspdfr plugin Solution with F button open the command console and digit ??reload all plugins ? then open the game menu and go in lspdfr page to select switch character Cancel this operation with back button to return to the game and join in duty again C- With the long distance view you have a distortion e ?ect on the uniforms especially if you call the reinforces of you using this mod on ?vem Unknown causes no solution at moment If you select the ispettori di polizia uniform with the ?rst person view you will have like a helmet view Cause eup No solution at the moment UPDATES HISTORY version released in Released the new set of male and female out ?ts of Guardia di Finanza with di ?erent versions Modi ?ed the Carabinieri Forestali women pant Added customized on duty icons Completely changed the xml ?les of the lspdfr both on custom and data folders replacing in this way the out ?ts and the agencies version released in Released the new set of male and female out ?ts of Polizia Stradale with di ?erent versions Modi ?ed also the Polizia di Stato uniforms Modi ?ed the male hat in all its variants agenti ispettori and funzionari Upgraded the Polizia di Stato ranks due the change of July version released in Released the new uniforms of Polizia Locale both for male and female in di ?erent versions Modi ?ed also some parts of previous uniforms so I suggest you to reinstall the whole mod Many ?les are also installed on sup mod you will ?nd the paths in the path txt ?les version released in Fixed the
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- Publié le Jul 25, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 49.6kB