Interview guide 14 Overview How to Use This Resource Click ??File ? then ??Make a copy ? if using Google Docs For phone and video interviews you now have a tool where you can plan out your exact responses and reference them during the interview itself Pre
Overview How to Use This Resource Click ??File ? then ??Make a copy ? if using Google Docs For phone and video interviews you now have a tool where you can plan out your exact responses and reference them during the interview itself Prepare each question by going through the document and inserting the relevant information where you see highlights If you are using the Google Docs version of this guide the ??Document Outline ? section on the left will help you quickly navigate to the question they ask you You can also hit ??CTRL F ? on your keyboard and search the questions they ask you A bene ?t of the ??Alternatives ? section of each question is that you can adapt a couple of words or a sentence to match a di ?erent way they ask you a question For example if they ask ?? What Makes You a Good Fit For This Role ? you can use the same answer you wrote for ?? Why Should We Hire You ? because they ? re asking for the exact same thing just in a di ?erent way For in-person interviews this resource will allow you to practice what your response will be in an organized manner that doesn ? t require too much change when interviewing from one company to another There ? s a ??Technical Questions ? section towards the end of this document to help for speci ?c industries that require more in-depth preparation If your industry is not listed in the ??Technical Questions ? below then you likely don ? t need that preparation and should focus a majority of your time on the behavioral questions in green Each interview question follows the general format below Strategy - gives you an overview of the approach to e ?ectively answering the question Template - how to answer the question with versions of insert information here to customize the response based on your experience and the job description Example - this will show you a speci ?c example using the template to answer the question Tips - additional information to help you best answer the question and avoid mistakes Alternatives - these will be variations of that question or di ?erent ways of phrasing it so that you can easily search it up and adapt your response accordingly Job Description - use this section to copy paste speci ?c aspects of the job posting that you ? ll be discussing in your answer so you can stand out from other candidates for the job PRIORITIZE technical skills like programming languages systems software tools etc CTell Me About Yourself Strategy Start with a short summary of where you are now which could include your current job along with a reference to passion or related course certi ?cation Describe how you got to where you are mention education side projects or an important experience such as a past job internship or volunteer experience Transition into what you ? re
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- Publié le Nov 23, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 123.8kB