K factor rpviewdoc 1 NOTE NOTE A novel method for determining e ?ective length factors for solid round steel leg members of guyed lattice towers with cross-bracing Yongcong Ding Faouzi Ghrib Sudip Bhattacharjee and Murty K S Madugula Abstract A novel meth

NOTE NOTE A novel method for determining e ?ective length factors for solid round steel leg members of guyed lattice towers with cross-bracing Yongcong Ding Faouzi Ghrib Sudip Bhattacharjee and Murty K S Madugula Abstract A novel method is presented for determining the e ?ective length factors K factors for solid round steel leg vertical members in all-welded guyed communication towers with cross-bracing De ections due to an arbitrary load were used to determine the restraining moments and rotational sti ?ness of the legs Using the closed-form solution for buckling of a column with rotational restraint at both ends K factors were computed From the study it is found that the K factors varied from to depending on the relative sizes of the leg and bracing members An expression for estimating the e ?ective length factors for solid round steel leg members of all-welded guyed lattice towers with cross-bracing is developed Key words cross-bracing e ?ective length factor K factor ?nite element analysis guyed lattice tower solid round steel leg member welded tower Résumé Cet article présente une nouvelle méthode pour déterminer les facteurs de longueur e ?cace coe ?cients K pour les pieds verticaux ronds en acier plein des tours de transmission haubanées soudées comportant des contreventements Les échissements causés par une charge arbitraire ont été utilisés pour déterminer les moments de retenue et la rigidité rotationnelle des pieds Les coe ?cients K ont été calculés en utilisant la solution analytique pour le ambement d ? une colonne munie d ? une entrave à la rotation à chaque extrémité L ? étude a démontré que les coe ?cients K variaient entre et selon les dimensions relatives du pied et des membrures de contreventement Une expression mathématique est développée pour estimer les facteurs de longueur e ?cace pour les pieds ronds en acier plein des tours de transmission haubanées soudées comportant des contreventements Mots clés contreventement facteur de longueur e ?cace coe ?cient K analyse par éléments ?nis tour haubanée membrure ronde en acier plein tour soudée Traduit par la Rédaction Ding et al Introduction Radio and television broadcasting and telecommunications require elevated antennas which are usually supported on either self- supporting or guyed lattice towers When welded guyed lattice towers usually consist of solid round steel rods for legs diagonals and sometimes girts horizontal members The compressive resistance of the leg member depends on its e ?ective length In the American Standard ANSI TIA EIA- -G Draft Structural standard for antenna supporting structures and antennas TIA the Australian Standard AS - Design of steel lattice towers and masts Standards Australia and the Canadian Stan- Received July Revision accepted March Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http cjce nrc ca on August Y Ding F Ghrib S Bhattacharjee and M K S Madugula Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Windsor Windsor ON N B P Canada Written discussion of this note is welcomed and will be received by the Editor until December Corresponding author e-mail

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