Patran beginner x27 s guide
PATRAN Beginner ? s Guide Arul M Britto April Contents Introduction How to Start a PATRAN Session Creating a New Database Opening New Database Leaving a PATRAN Session Resuming a Previous Session Steps Involved in an analysis Units Create Geometry Geometry Create Points Create Curves Checking and Correcting Mistakes Check the Points Check the Curves Deleting Points and Curves Error and Warning Messages Entity Labels Checking the Surface Normal Loads and Boundary Conditions De ?ne the Load variation function Loads and Boundary Conditions Load Application De ?ne Element Properties De ?ne Material Properties Element Properties Finite Element Mesh Create Mesh Seeds Create the Mesh Unpost the Geometry Equivalence and Optimize Check Load BCs Loads BCs Create a Load Case CONTENTS CONTENTS Perform the Analysis Submit a ABAQUS Analysis Accessing the ABAQUS Results from PATRAN Post Processing Changing Display Parameters Hard Copy of Plot Stress Fringe Plot Using Graph XY Plot to plot Stress variation To Quit from PATRAN Files Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions C ? ? ? ? ? HOW TO START A PATRAN SESSION Introduction PATRAN is a pre and post processing package for the ?nite element program ABAQUS In addition it has the capability of ?nite element analysis This manual has been prepared for users who want to use ABAQUS for ?nite element analysis It also describes how once the ABAQUS analysis is run one could carry out some post processing This manual tells the user how to run PATRAN in the Teaching system It also has an example problem on how to set up the data for an ABAQUS analysis using PATRAN It explains how a ABAQUS job can be submitted from within PATRAN and after the successful completion of the job how to use the post processing facilities How to Start a PATRAN Session Find a suitable terminal for running PATRAN These are the X- terminals in the main area of the DPO the PC-based X-terminals at the East end of the DPO and the PC-based X-terminals in the EIET Lab Inglis building Log in using your user ID and password Run a window manager example twm This is recommended It is useful in the sense that the PATRAN windows can be moved around and scaled Do not run start fvwm or fvwm Create a subdirectory and move to it Type mkdir patran you need to do this only once Type cd patran you need to do this for each session It is a good idea to re-start PATRAN in the directory in which the database resides Even though it is possible to start PATRAN in any directory and then change to the directory in which the database is it is not recommended The reason is any new ?les created by PATRAN example session ?les will be placed in the directory from which PATRAN was started If you do not know which is your current directory then type pwd This will list the name of the current working directory Some useful unix commands ls -l -
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- Publié le Aoû 04, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 197.5kB