Literature guide 2015 Literature Guide Essay Writing Presentations Research Literature Guide Essay Writing Presentations Research Misha Kavka and Bernard Schweizer Revised and enlarged edition prepared by Martin Mühlheim Barb Breustedt and Dorota A Smyk B

Literature Guide Essay Writing Presentations Research Literature Guide Essay Writing Presentations Research Misha Kavka and Bernard Schweizer Revised and enlarged edition prepared by Martin Mühlheim Barb Breustedt and Dorota A Smyk Bhattacharjee Revised and enlarged edition prepared by Johnny Riquet Mark Ittensohn Hannah Schoch and Rahel Rivera Godoy-Benesch ? English Department University of Zurich Plattenstr Zürich TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I ?? THE CRITICAL ESSAY Chapter One The Basics The Literature essay vs the Linguistics paper First principles Formal layout of the Critical Essay The reader Using gender-neutral pronouns Chapter Two Essay Structure Essay cohesion Introductory paragraph s The thesis statement The paragraph The topic sentence Paragraph transitions Argument development Concluding paragraph s Chapter Three Sentence Organization Sentence endings Corollary to the principle of sentence endings Sentence Transitions Chapter Four Punctuation Basic punctuation Rules and suggestions for using commas Chapter Five Grading Sheet Part II ?? PRESENTATIONS Chapter Six Preparing a Presentation Chapter Seven Structuring Your Presentation Chapter Eight Practicing Presentations Part III ?? RESEARCH AND SOURCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chapter Nine Research Primary and secondary sources Referencing and the dangers of plagiarism Availability and reliability Some dos and don ? ts of research Useful websites Chapter Ten Plagiarism Three di ?erent kinds of borrowing Plagiarism and the Internet Spotting plagiarism Chapter Eleven Quotations Direct quotation Block quote Quoting verse Quoting drama Embedding quotes Punctuation Ellipsis or ??three dots ? Fragmentary quotes Internal quotation Paraphrase Chapter Twelve The Format of Titles Chapter Thirteen Citing References Parenthetical documentation MLA style Footnotes Chapter Thirteen Bibliography Three kinds of lists Books Stories chapters articles and excerpts Editions and translations A multivolume work Online sources Online dictionaries and encyclop? dias Films Appendix SAMPLE PAPER Index Introductory Note Part I of the Literature Guide deals with the content structure and layout of critical essays and Part II focuses on oral presentations Since the problem of source acknowledgment is relevant to both critical essays and oral presentations e g for handouts but also on PowerPoint slides or overhead transparencies this topic is treated alongside with research in Part III PART I THE CRITICAL ESSAY CHAPTER ONE BASICS THE LITERATURE ESSAY VS THE LINGUISTICS PAPER The literature essay and the linguistics paper each have a di ?erent function and therefore require a di ?erent style and format ? The literature essay referred to in this guide as the critical essay presents a focused interpretation of a text or texts developed in the form of a speci ?c argument or thesis In other words the critical essay develops a central arguable claim ? The linguistics paper usually attempts to support or refute a hypothesis i e a statement that can be proved or disproved by analyzing and interpreting a particular set of empirical data This Study Guide applies speci ?cally to the demands of the critical essay Note however that Chapters and of the Study Guide as well as the material on essay and paragraph organization in Chapter apply to writing in English in general FIRST PRINCIPLES The critical essay

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