Pn study guide dosage proficiency exam
Nursing Division PN Dosage Pro ?ciency Exam Study Guide E ?ective Fall CPN Dosage Pro ?ciency Exam DPE Study Guide Page Description This study guide is for Practical Nursing PN and Associate Degree Nursing ADN students to assist them in preparing for the PN Dosage Pro ?ciency Exam DPE PN and ADN students are required to meet a pro ?ciency on the PN DPE prior to progressing to Nursing Care Management I NUR Students will have three opportunities to meet the pro ?ciency on the PN DPE The ?rst opportunity which is considered a placement test will be prior to the ?rst class day of Health Calculations I AHS Students who meet the pro ?ciency on the ?rst attempt place out of AHS and can drop the course Students not meeting the pro ?ciency must remain in the class Students not passing Health Calculations I AHS after three attempts in the course are not eligible to continue in the nursing program Grades for AHS are good for two years Students needing assistance with basic mathematical concepts multiplication ratio and proportion long division etc can request tutoring through the Learning Center by calling - for an appointment Students needing assistance with dosage calculation can request tutoring through the Nursing Resource Center NRC To schedule an appointment e- mail Mrs Turner Director of the NRC at Deborah turner tridenttech edu AHS focuses on content in chapters and Reading and homework assignments follow each objective Practice is the key to passing the DPE So practice as many problems as you can Textbook and Other Required Materials Buchholz S Henke's Med-Math Dosage calculation preparation and administration th ed Philadelphia PA Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ebook Study Guide for PN Dosage Pro ?ciency Exam and - Student Nurse Resources Both are located in the Portal Approved Calculators Texas Instruments TI SV This can be found in the TTC bookstore and Casio SL- SV This can be found in O ?ce Deport Objectives Use abbreviations for the times and routes of drug administration as well as metric apothecary and household abbreviations and abbreviations for drug preparation Convert measurements between metric apothecary and household systems Demonstrate a working knowledge of drug preparations and equipment to measure doses Calculate solid and liquid oral medications using one of the following methods formula method proportion expressed as two ratios or proportion expressed as two fractions Calculate liquids for injection using one of the following methods formula method proportion expressed as two ratios or proportion expressed as two fractions Calculate basic IV rates in mL hr on IV infusion pumps and gtt min with tubing sets Apply the rounding guidelines when solving health calculation problems CStudy Guide Learning Activities Page Objective Use abbreviations for the times and routes of drug administration as well as metric apothecary and household abbreviations and abbreviations for drug preparation Understanding abbreviations and using them correctly are critical to safe medication administration Therefore it is important that you start now memorizing these abbreviations and their meanings Abbreviations
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- Publié le Jul 11, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 100.6kB