Practical necropsy guide 1
Practical Necropsy Guide CIntroduction Elanco Animal Health Practical Necropsy Guide This guide is intended to aid beef cattle veterinarians as they discuss the value of performing necropsies with their clients Beef cattle veterinarians can use this guide with clients to increase their understanding of proper necropsy techniques and resulting methods of diagnosis This guide has three parts ? The ?rst is a collection of images comparing normal organs with common cattle health abnormalities ? The second is a review of practical necropsy procedures ? The third is a set of guidelines for proper tissue sampling techniques and submission procedures This guide is not intended to be a fully comprehensive reference and should only be used in conjunction with veterinary consultation CEyes Normal eye Corneal lesion di ?use corneal edema starts at periphery Malignant Catarrhal Fever MCF Conjun ctivitis ?? variety of causes including IBR mycoplasma foreign bodies and other irritants Corneal lesion central corneal ulcer with neovascularization ?? pinkeye COral Cavity Normal oral tissues Muzzle shallow ulcers typical of viral diseases ?? BVD MCF blue tongue and rinderpest Oral cavity ulcers ?? BVD Oral cavity ulcers hard and soft palate ?? BVD COral Cavity A B Tongue extensive ulcers ruptured vesicles ?? vesicular disease Pharynx retropharyngeal cellulitis A caused by a penetrating wound B ?? balling gun injury Notes Oral cavity raised proliferative lesions often with irregular edges hard palate ?? papular stomatitis CEsophagus Normal esophagus normal postmortem change with mild anterior congestion and posterior pallor resulting from postmortem bloat Esophagus trauma ?? penetrating wound resulting purulent peri- esophageal abscess Esophagus bloat line at thoracic inlet other supportive evidence includes history pallor and edema of hindlimb musculature CEsophagus Esophagus shallow erosions ?? BVD Pharyngeal mucosa removed from underlying structures ulcers ?? BVD Notes Esophagus extensive linear ulcers ?? BVD CUpper Respiratory Tract Normal larynx Larynx laryngeal edema ?? allergic reaction look for pulmonary edema or congestion Larynx necrotic laryngitis ?? calf diphtheria Larynx chronic laryngitis small ulcer on epiglottis circled laryngeal polyp CUpper Respiratory Tract Normal trachea Normal trachea congestion with intact mucosal lining ?? can be normal postmortem change Nasal cavity nasal septum removed ?brinopurulent rhinitis ?? IBR Trachea tracheitis adherent ?brinonecrotic pseudomembrane ?? IBR CUpper Respiratory Tract Trachea tracheitis adherent ?brinonecrotic pseudomembrane ?? IBR Trachea cross section edema in dorsal mucosa ?? ??honker ? syndrome Notes CLungs Normal lungs Sampling procedures for lungs ? Include tissue as indicated by clinical signs or ? gross lesions ? Fresh sample size cm cubes of a ?ected tissue ? Fixed sample size cm thick or less of a ?ected ? tissue Bronchopneumonia acute shipping fever typical Fibrinous pleuropneumonia consolidated lung of pneumonic pasteurellosis with pleural uid oval and ?brinous pleuri- tis solid line denotes sternum CLungs Subacute shipping fever with ?brinous pleuritis Fibrinous pleuropneumonia cut section Bronchopneumonia advanced progressive early abscesses in older part of lesion Bronchopneumonia chronic with abscesses emphysema and atelectasis CLungs Chronic pneumonia with atelectasis Acute interstitial pneumonia AIP entire lung overin ated individual lobules slightly ?rm Acute
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- Publié le Nov 20, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 51kB