Parent guide 2 Take-home Guide to the Think First Stay Safe School Program for Grades PreK- - and - Think First Stay SafeTM PARENT GUIDE For By Kenneth Wooden RevNieowt foPruDrpisotsriebsutOionnly Rosemary Webb Jennifer Mitchell Promoting Respectful Behav
Take-home Guide to the Think First Stay Safe School Program for Grades PreK- - and - Think First Stay SafeTM PARENT GUIDE For By Kenneth Wooden RevNieowt foPruDrpisotsriebsutOionnly Rosemary Webb Jennifer Mitchell Promoting Respectful Behaviors to Prevent Sexual Abuse Abduction Bullying Intolerance Cyber Exploitation School Violence childluresprevention com CDear Concerned Parents and Caregivers Children grow up are our most healthy safe precious national and happy This treasure and Parent Guide we all want to do our part to help ensure they will assist you in discussing personal safety with your child Wbaenhdiwlesitkhiitl ? lstsheptomrimheeavlrpeilyrryetchmoeignnrueitzseepooafnnesdivbeailrviytoyiddoa ?yn a support prevention education is essential to child safety nly Tog fhe es sttuumordeofesstn ht tespSsrtbeeuuvdclaliyreliemsonserthscaorrawiemre beucsinoll ?m aecdg tlgstevaeydnorbbduayn lglsyis notmep rhesbyoostnoyicesdaaakllyynreoaawsrneendxbuamuanlledllyynitnta fuar ull fmaO mo vr ieslyr O friend relative or even a peer rposesution Swihneartoocpnrpkegeecdneyo psehiurnosrgwroavuwnicneatdimdcinavigzanacnhtrtiiaeomglnpeesspterlhiec lctoehrunirmrceeaceotsgeuinvcreeta dsn w Pu istrib Fmaollarsitnuutnsaapinteecolytpe edmnaolbisnutessefo orTmf hcsiosmoGfmuciudhneilidcpharotoioovdnidewvsiicthtthimechiziniladftorioermnn aaqtirouenespatrineodvner vie r D Years e fo thirds ago the National in one year The Weather reason Service reported Increased public that tornado-related deaths had awareness and preparedness declined by twoUsing this same R t combination we can and will help children stay safe or No Rosemary Webb Kenneth Wooden and Jennifer Mitchell F Team Child Lures Prevention Getting Started Using this Parent Guide First read this Guide through to familiarize yourself with its contents Sit down with your child and review it together ?? ideally one concept at a time Children learn best through repetition so read and discuss this Guide regularly Look for small ways to reinforce these concepts during the course of everyday life Recognize and praise your child for making respectful and safe choices Copyright ? by Child Lures Ltd Shelburne Rd Shelburne VT - ? - - Cert of Copyright Registration U S Copyright O ?ce The Library of Congress TX Child Lures is a Registered Trademark U S Patent and Trademark O ?ce Certi ?cate Registration No No part of this document may be reproduced transmitted transcribed stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means electronic mechanical magnetic optical manual or otherwise without the express prior written consent of Kenneth Wooden Rosemary Wooden Webb or Jennifer Wooden Mitchell and Child Lures Ltd lllustrations by Christi Baughman CPersonal Safety Basics Make personal safety an ongoing conversation with your child This will keep safety strategies fresh and parent-child communication open Ensure even very young children know their complete name address and phone number Teach your child how to dial Identify trusted adults in your child ? s life Think First Stay Safe TM PARENT GUIDE Be vigilant supervising children especially during multi-family gatherings with multi-age youngsters Many children are exploited during sleepovers by peers or adults If you choose to allow sleepovers inquire about supervision and make sure your child knows how to contact you at any time of the day or night Respecting Self and Others By nurturing their self-esteem we instill in youngsters a belief that everyone deserves to
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- Publié le Jui 08, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 59.7kB