Quick fm xml guide XML with FrameMaker SGML Quick Guide Summary XML with FrameMaker SGML Quick Guide Daniel K Schneider TECFA University of Geneva http tecfa unige ch guides xml frame-sgml Version - May Version was the ?rst version written in FrameMaker V
XML with FrameMaker SGML Quick Guide Summary XML with FrameMaker SGML Quick Guide Daniel K Schneider TECFA University of Geneva http tecfa unige ch guides xml frame-sgml Version - May Version was the ?rst version written in FrameMaker Version and have minor corrections Version adds simple read write rules for special elements and some HTML mapping rules Version adds external HTML links Version makes several important corrections Version adds display of attributes This thing is still a draft version and maybe will remain one forever Particular thanks go to Jan den Hartog objective i who pointed out a lot of major trouble spots in Thanks to Kevin Lossner Easy Software AG Marcus Carr Allette Systems Ceryle Gaehl Australian Medicines Handbook for other helpful comments Read the PDF or the FM version of this text The other versions html xml sxml may lack style or worse Note A while ago I started writing my ?rst real text with FM SGMLand I wrote an EDD for Norman Walsh ? s Simpli ?ed Docbook XML DTD The EDD is in http tecfa unige ch guides xml frame-sgml sdocbook Also needs work e g forget about deep nestings but it ? s a start deals somewhat with tables and ?gures and such Summary This little document should help you to get started with FrameMaker SGML ??F S ? and XML publishing F S is a Word processor DTD product from Adobe meant for SGML publishing but it can be used in ?? XML world ? with some restrictions This text comes along with all source ?les FrameMaker ?les and XML DTD used to produce this document Note You need F S version to read the fm ?les I believe that the general ideas also apply to F S Introduction Why would you want to buy learn and use F S ? You can produce real and large structured text not just address cards ? You believe that semantically structured text is good not just style sheets à la standard Frame or Word ? You hate to write text with XML tree editors à la Spy or Xeena I even much prefer emacs psgml mode to these tools ? You want good looking paper versions and don ? t have time to write XSL FO rules ? You can only think straight when you can easily reread your text on the screen F S is a good product combining the power of an excellent word processor better than MS Word with a good structure editor Now the bad News F S does not support what I call the core XML Framework F S doesn ? t read XSL FO or even CSS You have to learn FrameMaker ? s EDD language plus a little bit of SGML This will allow you to author in FrameMaker with your own DTDs and export to XML and CSS that ? s it no XSL FO or XSLT Once you su ?ered though the process of learning and setting
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- Publié le Jui 06, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 128kB