Resume guide 1 Resume Guide Loyola Marymount University l Career Development Services l University Hall Suite l What is a resume A resume is a snapshot of yourself on paper It is a brief presentation that summarizes your skills interests and abilities The

Resume Guide Loyola Marymount University l Career Development Services l University Hall Suite l What is a resume A resume is a snapshot of yourself on paper It is a brief presentation that summarizes your skills interests and abilities The purpose of your resume is usually to get an interview It is a method of advertising and emphasizing your most marketable skills When designing your resume make each section and statement positive and straight to the point Essential checklist before sending your resume to anyone ü Proofread proofread proofread ü Grammar check spell check ü Don ? t make the employer work use an inviting and easy-to-read format and font ü Font size should be between pt and pt ü Utilize the whole page x Adjust your margins between and inches ü Use light colored paper it is usually perceived as more positive and professional Methods for creating a presentable resume If you are using Microsoft Word to create your resume the following table will assist you in adding a unique and creative look to catch the eye of the employer Bullet Points l Select insert Select symbol Select font wingings Select desired symbol Select insert Select close Copy and paste bullet when needed this method allows you to manipulate the size and location of the bullet SMALL CAPS Highlight text that will be small caps Select Format Select Font Select small caps Select OK Tabs Select Format Select Tabs Adjust default to ? to ? Select OK Margins Select File Select page setup Adjust all margins to ? to ? Select OK Would your resume stand out in this stack of papers When and how do I indicate my salary history Trends are showing that many companies are requesting salary history Usually this information can be stated in the cover letter Some people will list their previous and current salary range together For example My previous and current positions have ranged from k to K annually CAction Verbs Transferable skills encompass all ?elds Make sure to review all verb categories before selecting your word Skills Management Communication Teaching Clerical Detail Technical Administered Analyzed Anticipated Assessed Attained Chaired Contracted Controlled Consolidated Coordinated Delegated Developed Directed Enforced Evaluated Executed Expanded Fixed Improved Increased Initiated Organized Oversaw Perceived Planned Prioritized Produced Recommended Reported Resolved Reviewed Scheduled Screened Selected Strengthened Supervised Troubleshot Addressed Arbitrated Arranged Authored Confronted Conveyed Corresponded Developed Directed Drafted Edited Enlisted Formulated In uenced Interpreted Lectured Liaison Listened Mediated Moderated Motivated Negotiated Persuaded Promoted Publicized Reconciled Recruited Spoke Translated Wrote Research Clari ?ed Collected Critiqued Delivered Determined Diagnosed Evaluated Examined Explored Extracted Gathered Identi ?ed Inspected Interviewed Investigated Organized Reviewed Studied Summarized Surveyed Systemized Adapted Advise d Clari ?ed Coached Communicated Coordinated Developed Enabled Encouraged Evaluated Explained Facilitated Guided Incorporated Informed Initiated Inspired Instructed Mentored Observed Persuaded Set Goals Stimulated Tutored Creative Acted Conceptualized Created Designed Developed Directed Established Fashioned Founded Illustrated Instituted Integrated Introduced Invented Memorized Originated Performed Planned Revitalized Shaped Sketched Approved Arranged Catalogued Classi ?ed Collected Compiled

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