Roman rules the introduction of board ga

Research Roman rules The introduction of board games to Britain and Ireland Mark A Hall Katherine Forsyth Competitive board games played on the ground on the oor or on wooden boards provide entertainment distraction and exercise for the mind ?? it is hard to believe that north-west Europe was ever without them But the authors here make a strong case that the introduction of such games was among the fruits of Roman contact along with literacy and wine In Britain and Ireland games were soon renamed but belonged like children ? s jokes to a broad underworld of fastmoving cultural transmission largely unseen till now Keywords north-west Europe Britain Ireland ?rst millennium AD Roman Celtic board games ludus latrunculorum ta XII scripta alea Introduction In recent years Antiquity has addressed the subject of Roman and indigenous or native interaction ?? a wider process than Romanisation ?? through board games in the context of the Eastern Empire Mulvin Sidebotham de Voogt With this paper we seek to move the debate to the Western Empire particularly the frontier zone of Britain and Ireland and explore the question of the Roman introduction of board games and their subsequent development by Celtic-speaking peoples Literary and archaeological evidence combines to indicate that the playing of board games was a widespread popular and culturally signi ?cant phenomenon among the Celticspeaking peoples of Britain and Ireland in the ?rst millennium AD Yet little attention has been given to the origin of such games in these islands Previous writers e g Sterckx Perth Museum Art Gallery George Street Perth PH LB UK Email mahall pkc gov uk Celtic and Gaelic University of Glasgow University Gardens Glasgow G QQ UK Received March Accepted May Revised April ANTIQUITY ?? http antiquity ac uk ant ant htm CRoman rules The introduction of board games to Britain and Ireland Scha ?dler with circumspection appear to have taken it for granted or at least allowed that it was possible that board games were a feature of ancient Celtic society from earliest times The view presented here however is that board games arrived in Britain and Ireland through contact with the Roman world and that they are part of the wider picture of cross-frontier material cultural interaction Galestin ?? Moving the pieces around the role of Rome Sterckx was mistaken in his assumption that the playing of board games is a human universal and that Celtic-speaking peoples are therefore likely to have played them since time immemorial This idea is rooted in Huizinga ? s proposition that play was a universal human given We root our proposition here in the ideas of Caillois and Dumazadier who argue for a culturally contextualised view of play Board games then are not universal in origin but appear as far as their Western history is principally concerned to have a speci ?c origin and dissemination from mid-fourth-millennium BC Egypt and the Fertile Crescent around the Mediterranean and thence to temperate Europe Murray ?? Cultural contacts with and within

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