Seeing gender classroom guide
CLASSROOM GUIDE Seeing Gender An Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression Written and Illustrated by Iris Gottlieb Foreword by Meredith Talusan - - - - ? HC in x in pages About Seeing Gender Seeing Gender is an of-the-moment investigation into how we express and understand the complexities of gender today Illustrating a di ?erent concept on each spread queer author and artist Iris Gottlieb touches on history science sociology and her own experience It ? s an essential tool for understanding and contributing to a necessary cultural conversation about gender and sexuality in the st century In the classroom Seeing Gender can be used as ? An entry point to understanding the vast complexities and histories of gender expression ? A self-education tool that will allow for nonjudgmental exploration of your own gender increased empathy and understanding of others ? experiences and an invitation to consider the intricacies of intersectionality ? A look into how coexisting identities race class gender sexuality mental health relate to gender within larger social systems This guide contains extensive excerpts along with thought-provoking questions quizzes and writing prompts To learn more about Seeing Gender visit chroniclebooks com seeinggender SEEING GENDER CLASSROOM GUIDE Table of Contents Introduction Terminology In ?nite Combinations Pronouns Exercise The How What and Who of Attraction Gender Dysphoria Asexuality Physical Sex Anatomy of Gender Intersex What Does LGBTQ Actually Mean Gender Roles Intersectionality Third and Fourth Genders Biology Doesn ? t Make Gender Boys Will Be Boys The Patriarchy White Feminism Black Women are the Backbone of the Resistance Spotlight On Marsha P Johnson When Black Boys Become Men Gender and Mental Illness Mental Health in the Trans Community Privilege The Dangers of the Coming Out Movements Discussion Questions Fill in the Blank The End Resources SEEING GENDER CLASSROOM GUIDE Hello About Me NAME Iris Gottlieb AGE PRONOUN In the process of ?guring out but she her right now FROM Durham North Carolina R ACE White GENDER IDENTIT Y Boy for now FAVORITE ICE CRE AM Cookies 'n' cream PROFESSION Illustrator writer scientist grump animator maker of bad jokes FAVORITE OB JEC T My collection of four thousand found shark teeth Gender is complex as are all facets of humanity Humans invented gender so we should do our best to understand it My name is Iris Gottlieb I am not a scholar of gender studies but I have a gender and a body as do you Every person reading this has the experience of inhabiting a body in a gendered world My book Seeing Gender attempts to synthesize information about this complex topic and convey abstract and amorphous concepts through the universal language of illustration First let ? s start with vocabulary SEEING GENDER CLASSROOM GUIDE Terminology Agender Not identifying with any gender Aromantic Experiencing little or no romantic interest in others this is a spectrum Asexual Experiencing little or no sexual attraction to others or low or absent desire for sexual activity Not all asexual people are aromantic one is
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 11, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 124.9kB