Session guide 6 Small Wonders Academic Center ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? - nd St San Antonio Vill Apas Cebu City swac yahoo com CLASS SESSION GUIDE Name of Teacher Grade Level Grade I Date School Year Subject ENGLISH Time I Subject Matter Content and Scope To be abl

Small Wonders Academic Center ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? - nd St San Antonio Vill Apas Cebu City swac yahoo com CLASS SESSION GUIDE Name of Teacher Grade Level Grade I Date School Year Subject ENGLISH Time I Subject Matter Content and Scope To be able to choose the di ?erent usage of Polite Expressions through proper greeting and introductions to elders classmates neighbors family members friends and even to strangers II Speci ?c Objectives Cognitive A ?ective Psychomotor At the end of the lesson the students will be able to Cognitive ? Choose the appropriate words to greet and introduce oneself in the proper place and time ? Understand and appreciate the importance of polite expressions to di ?erent individuals that the pupils meet every day A ?ective ? Understand the mechanics of proper and polite conversations Psychomotor ? Practice hygienic procedures for the maintenance of a healthy mind III Focused Values ? Dignity to oneself and others IV Methodology ? Lecturette ? Role Playing V Instructional Reference Materials ? English This Way Worktext by Arlita T Perez VI Lesson Proper a Pre-Lesson Setting of Objectives Focusing Event Motivation Each day we meet di ?erent individuals whom we ask for something or the other way around Being with these individuals is already part of our daily life and it is vital to our learning process Choosing the right words and being polite is appropriate for we want and need also that others treat us as pleasant as possible To be polite means treating others with respect and dignity b Lesson Proper CAny pleasant conversation starts with a proper approach It needs to have a polite proper greeting and introductions Here are some of the situational conversations that may serve as a guide for future reference to the di ?erent conversations c Post Lesson Evaluative Measures Assignments ROLE PLAYING SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION FILL IN THE MISSING WORD FILL IN THE BLANK Prepared by Felmar M Cardanio Ed D Cmarcksman C

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