Startup guide Ipira berkeley edu Entrepreneurs ? Startup Guide www ipira berkeley edu BERKELEY CA - JUNE Researchers conduct testing at Caribou Biosciences in Berkeley CA Photo by Don Feria AP Images for Caribou Biosciences COPYRIGHT Image ? Don Feria CTa

Ipira berkeley edu Entrepreneurs ? Startup Guide www ipira berkeley edu BERKELEY CA - JUNE Researchers conduct testing at Caribou Biosciences in Berkeley CA Photo by Don Feria AP Images for Caribou Biosciences COPYRIGHT Image ? Don Feria CTable of Contents Introduction Licensing from the University The Mission of University Technology Transfer The Licensing Process Managing Con ict of Interest Forming the Company Frequently Asked Questions www ipira berkeley edu CIntroduction Universities with their signi ?cant investment in research discovery and problem solving are a fertile ground for innovations that can potentially be used to create novel products and services that will bene ?t the public A signi ?cant investment of both time and resources is required to translate an academic discovery into the marketplace as new technology and products and success is not guaranteed To encourage development university technology transfer o ?ces secure intellectual property rights that can protect the investment required to bring a new technology to market Successful technology transfer allows research programs at universities to achieve greater impact and concretely improve the lives of our citizens while also generating revenue which can support future research programs and provide a return or stakeholders such as inventors research programs and the taxpayers who initially supported the research This document is intended for university researchers as well as students and others who might partner with the University to create start-up companies based on novel university technologies This guide is intended to help University researchers including faculty and students understand the process involved in starting a company around a university innovation Many innovations made at research universities fail to achieve the full ower of their potential because they require resources that lie outside of the university in order to do so Starting up a company is one way for innovations to ??graduate ? from the University and take on a life of their own - while creating bene ?ts to everyone who helped make that happen along the way This guide will also identify resources available on your campus in your local community and around the state of California that can help you develop a plan to go from where you are to where you want to be and to address and understand topics like con ict of interest and how to manage it utilization of university resources external resources for startups university intellectual property rights and policies and more Ekso Bionics a Berkeley Startup helps survivors of lower extremity weakness to walk again www ipira berkeley edu CLicensing from the University The Mission of University Technology Transfer One signi ?cant aspect of the UC ? s public service mission is to ensure that the results of its research are made available for public use and bene ?t For over years UC ? has maintained an active and productive technology transfer program to encourage the development of commercial products and services based on UC ? s academic discoveries A few examples of products that have been commercialized from UC research

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