Study guide 71 SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DANCE Music Graduate O ?ce - ? gradmus uoregon edu ? music uoregon edu Graduate Entrance Exam Description and Study Guide A two-hour entrance examination in music history and a two-hour entrance examination in music theo

SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DANCE Music Graduate O ?ce - ? gradmus uoregon edu ? music uoregon edu Graduate Entrance Exam Description and Study Guide A two-hour entrance examination in music history and a two-hour entrance examination in music theory and aural skills are required of all graduate students before their ?rst term of enrollment The examination is given before the beginning of each term Students who score below the designated levels must enroll in a prescribed course or courses at the ?rst opportunity review courses are o ?ered in the fall and summer terms of each year Music History Part One Listening Ten listening examples will be played twice each approximately ?? seconds in length For each example identify a probable or likely composer a ?fty-year span during which the example could have been composed e g ?? ?? and a probable title form or genre as far as it may be evident points Part Two Short-Answer Questions Nine musical terms will be listed e g the term madrigal You are to describe each term as it applies to music and name a speci ?c stylistic period or periods associated with the term points Ten composers will be listed Name the style period and nationality generally associated with each composer points Part Three Essay You will be asked to write on one essay question from a selection of four e g discuss the main developments in opera from its beginnings to Wagner points PhD students with a primary area in musicology will choose two essay questions points total Part Four Score Recognition Three excerpted scores will be provided Give a likely composer approximate date of composition within the limits speci ?ed on the listening portion of the exam possible genre and one reason for your answer points Suggested Study Materials for Exam Preparation Music history textbooks such as J Peter Burkholder Donald J Grout and Claude V Palisca A History of Western Music th edition N Y Norton Richard Crawford America's Musical Life A History N Y Norton Sarah Fuller The European Musical Heritage - revised edition Boston McGraw Hill CDonald J Grout and Claude V Palisca A History of Western Music th edition N Y Norton H Wiley Hitchcock Music in the United States A Historical Introduction Englewood Cli ?s N J Prentice-Hall David Poultney Studying Music History Learning Reasoning and Writing About Music History and Literature nd edition Upper Saddle River N J Prentice Hall K Marie Stolba The Development of Western Music rd edition Boston McGraw Hill Anthologies of Western music and recorded anthologies of Western music such as Norton Anthology of Western Music vols th edition edited by Claude V Palisca and The Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music vols th edition edited by Claude V Palisca N Y Norton The Norton Anthology of Western Music and The Norton Recorded Anthology th edition edited by J Peter Burkholder N Y Norton K Marie Stolba The Development of Western Music An Anthology vols rd edition Boston

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