Teacher guide daily lesson plan

Teacher Guide - Daily Lesson Plan An open blog for all Teacher as for their guidance Home Wordpress KSSR KBSR KBSM Tamparuli Sabah Year Lesson Plan Come Rain and Shine Posted by Harry George in Sunday September ENGLISH LESSON PLAN Subject English Class Perdana Date September Time am ?? am Theme Come Rain or Shine Topic Exercise Let ? s say Focal Skills Listening Speaking Reading and Writing Integrated Skills Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple ? Wh ? question Talk about personal experiences Read and understand simple paragraphs Write simple sentences with word and picture cues Learning Outcome By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to Read and understand the simple paragraph at the text book page a poem about weather Read and pronounce the correct intonation at the simple paragraph page Write simple sentence using the word cues of ?? What colours of a rainbow ? Multiple Intelligence Verbal- linguistic interpersonal and intrapersonal Previous Knowledge Pupils know about weather Keywords Storm rain sky rainbow hot sunny rainy and windy CThinking Skills cause and e ?ect Value and Citizenship Teaching Aids ashcard Inference communicating to identify generating idea Environmental awareness Textbook Blackboard A paper picture of a rainbow and Steps Set induction Minutes Skill Teaching and Learning Knowledge Activity Listening Teacher asks the pupils to Speaking look out of the window Teacher asks them to describe the kind weather they can see Teacher asks the pupils to talk about the di ?erent kind of weather in Malaysia Example Hot and sunny Teacher writes words at the blackboard Sunny Hot Cloudy Rainy and Windy Teacher stress on the environmental awareness as the moral value Remarks MI Verbal-Linguistic Interpersonal and intrapersonal TS Communicating TA Blackboard real situation and ash card Presentation Minutes Practise and development Minutes Reading Reading Teacher reads a shorts MI Verbal-Linguistic verse from the textbook Interpersonal and page and asks the intrapersonal pupils to listen TS Communicating to Teacher asks the pupils to identify and to read the short versa aloud conclude Teacher asks the pupils to TA Textbook page look at the concept page Teacher discusses the concept page with the pupils Teacher asks the pupils to MV Environmental read the versa again with awareness correct intonation and MI Verbal-Linguistic stress Interpersonal andTeacher discusses the ?rst intrapersonal stanza in the verse Teacher TS Communicating talks about what happen Indentifying and gives after the storm and relate idea the discussion to the TA Textbook page description in the stanza and blackboard Teacher discusses the second stanza and talks about what would happen after rains and relate it to the description in the stanza CProduction Minutes Closure Minutes Reading Teacher asks the pupils to MV Cooperative stay in their group MI Verbal-Linguistic Teacher gives A paper and Interpersonal and asks the pupils to answer intrapersonal the question ?? What are the TS Communicating colours of a rainbow ? Generating idea Teacher elicits the pupils indentify and conclude answer and gives the TA

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