Thesescholte pdf Am ?elioration de la s ?ecurit ?e par la conception des logiciels web Theodoor Scholte To cite this version Theodoor Scholte Am ?elioration de la s ?ecurit ?e par la conception des logiciels web Web T ?el ?ecom ParisTech Franc ais HAL Id

Am ?elioration de la s ?ecurit ?e par la conception des logiciels web Theodoor Scholte To cite this version Theodoor Scholte Am ?elioration de la s ?ecurit ?e par la conception des logiciels web Web T ?el ?ecom ParisTech Franc ais HAL Id tel- https pastel archives-ouvertes fr tel- Submitted on Nov HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scienti ?c research documents whether they are published or not The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad or from public or private research centers L ? archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL est destin ?ee au d ?epo t et a la di ?usion de documents scienti ?ques de niveau recherche publi ?es ou non ?emanant des ?etablissements d ? enseignement et de recherche fran cais ou ?etrangers des laboratoires publics ou priv ?es C -ENST- EDITE - ED Doctorat ParisTech THÈSE pour obtenir le grade de docteur délivré par TELECOM ParisTech Spécialité Réseaux et Sécurité ? présentée et soutenue publiquement par Theodoor SCHOLTE le Securing Web Applications by Design Directeur de thèse Prof Engin KIRDA Jury Thorsten HOLZ Professeur Ruhr-Universit at Bochum Germany Martin JOHNS Senior Researcher SAP AG Germany Davide BALZAROTTI Professeur Institut EURECOM France Angelos KEROMYTIS Professeur Columbia University USA Thorsten STRUFE Professeur Technische Universit at Darmstadt Germany TELECOM ParisTech école de l ? Institut Télécom - membre de ParisTech Rapporteur Rapporteur Examinateur Examinateur Examinateur C CAcknowledgements This dissertation would not have been possible without the support of many people First I would like to thank my parents They have thaught and are teaching me every day a lot They have raised me with a good mixture of strictness and love I believe that they play an important role in all the good things in my life I am very grateful to prof Engin Kirda It is through his lectures that I have become interested in security He has been an extraordinary advisor always available to discuss After he moved to the United States he continued to be the person ? next door ? always available to help me out Furthermore I would like to thank prof Davide Balzarotti and prof William Robertson Completing this dissertation would not have been possible without their continuous support Thanks to my good friends Jaap Gerben Roel Inge Luit Ellen and others I probably forget to mention Over the years we have shared and discussed our experiences of the professional working life More importantly we had a lot of fun Although we lived in di ?erent parts of Europe we managed to keep in touch as good friends do Thanks to my ? local ? friends Claude Luc Alessandro Marco Leyla Simone Gerald and Julia You have lightened up the years of hard work with activities such as drinking or brewing beer barbecuing climbing and skiing I would like to thank my friends in particular for the moral support as personal life has not always been easy I would like to thank

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