Velite painting guide FLIS -FLAS SPEEDY PAINTING Painting agema Velites BY José A BustAmAnte W ith this step-by-step article I will try to explain how to paint two Agema Miniatures velites Velites were light troops used as skirmishers in the Roman army re
FLIS -FLAS SPEEDY PAINTING Painting agema Velites BY José A BustAmAnte W ith this step-by-step article I will try to explain how to paint two Agema Miniatures velites Velites were light troops used as skirmishers in the Roman army recruited from the poorest and youngest sectors of the society They wore no armour and were equipped with javelins and short swords Miniatures are made of plastic and are presented in a sprue with enough parts to assemble them in di ?erent ways The velites are highly detailed especially the muscles and their parts ?t together really well The only problem in my opinion is that heads are a bit small and di ?cult to paint I am going to paint both miniatures in di ?erent colours one in white and the other one in a cream colour In the two ?rst pictures pics and we can see the two miniatures primed in black with the clothes painted The base colour for the miniature in white is Stone Grey Vallejo and for the other one is Tan Yellow Vallejo mixed with Chocolate Brown Vallejo in a ratio Pictures and show the miniatures with the ?rst highlight for the ?rst highlight of the white miniature we will use Deck Tan Vallejo mixed with White Vallejo in a ratio For the ?rst highlight of the other miniature we will use Tan Yellow For the white cloak we have used this mixture to get a rather dirty white tone The degree will depend on the amount of white we use For the second highlight we will add more white to the ?rst mix Again depending on the white tone we want to get we will use more or less white paint In the case of the other miniature we will apply the last highlight using Tan Yellow and White as we can see in pics and Once we have painted their clothes we will paint the esh At this stage whenever I have to paint miniatures showing big esh areas I change the way in which I paint esh If I used my usual technique I would need much more time To paint the esh I choose as starting point a mixture of two colours of the Mediterranean Flesh Foundry triad bottles A and B in a ratio This way I get a softer transition which I really like pics and For the ?rst highlight we will use a mix of Orange Brown Vallejo and Flat Flesh Vallejo - as we can see in pics and For the last highlight we will use Flat Flesh and a bit of the previous mixture to soften the tone a bit and not get a too striking contrast pic Now we will start painting the miniatures gear For the wood of the shields and the spears we will use Chocolate Brown as base for the helmet Hull Red Vallejo and for the belt and the sandals Saddle Brown Vallejo and Black in a ratio pic C FLIS
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mai 17, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 30.8kB