Web quick guide WEB - QUICK GUIDE http www tutorialspoint com webdevelopersguide webquickguide htm WEB - BASIC CONCEPTS Copyright ? tutorialspoint com What is Internet The Internet is essentially a global network of computing resources You can think of th

WEB - QUICK GUIDE http www tutorialspoint com webdevelopersguide webquickguide htm WEB - BASIC CONCEPTS Copyright ? tutorialspoint com What is Internet The Internet is essentially a global network of computing resources You can think of the Internet as a physical collection of routers and circuits as a set of shared resources Some common de ?nitions given in the past include ?? A network of networks based on the TCP IP communications protocol A community of people who use and develop those networks A community of people who use and develop those networks Internet-Based Services Some of the basic services available to Internet users are ?? Email ?? A fast easy and inexpensive way to communicate with other Internet users around the world Telnet ?? Allows a user to log into a remote computer as though it were a local system FTP ?? Allows a user to transfer virtually every kind of ?le that can be stored on a computer from one Internet-connected computer to another UseNet news ?? A distributed bulletin board that o ?ers a combination news and discussion service on thousands of topics World Wide Web WWW ?? A hypertext interface to Internet information resources What is WWW WWW stands for World resources and users on Wide Web A technical de ?nition of the World Wide Web is the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ??H ATlTl tPhe A broader de ?nition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped found the World Wide Web Consortium W C The World Wide Web is the universe of network- accessible information an embodiment of human knowledge In simple terms The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between computers on the Internet tying them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources What is HTTP HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol This is the protocol being used to transfer hypertext documents that makes the World Wide Web possible A standard web address such as Yahoo com is called a URL and here the pre ?x http indicates its protocol What is URL URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is used to specify addresses on the World Wide Web A URL is the fundamental network identi ?cation for any resource connected to the web e g hypertextpages images andsound ?les A URL will have the following format ?? protocol hostnam e other inform ation CThe protocol speci ?es how information is resources is HyperText Transfer Protocol HtraTnTsfPer rOedthferor mproatloincko lsTchoempproattoibcloel used for web with most web browsers include FTP telnet newsgroups and Gopher The protocol is followed by a colon two slashes and then the domain name The domain name is the computer on which the resource is located Links to particular ?les or subdirectories may be further speci ?ed after the domain name The directory names are separated by single forward slashes What is Website Currently you are on our website Tutorialspoint com which is a collection of various pages written

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