Wpv 615 cluster guide A Step-By-Step Guide to Con ?guring a WebSphere Portal v Cluster Hunter Tweed WebSphere Portal Level support Team Lead IBM Raleigh Lab November ? Copyright International Business Machines Corporation All rights reserved This guide de

A Step-By-Step Guide to Con ?guring a WebSphere Portal v Cluster Hunter Tweed WebSphere Portal Level support Team Lead IBM Raleigh Lab November ? Copyright International Business Machines Corporation All rights reserved This guide describes a comprehensive procedure for installing con ?guring and building an IBM WebSphere Portal v cluster using ? IBM WebSphere Application Server ?? -bit ? Red Hat Enterprise Linux update ? DB v fp Server ? IBM Tivoli Directory Server v ? IBM HTTP Server CTable of Contents A Step-By-Step Guide to Con ?guring a WebSphere Portal v Cluster Table of Contents Introduction Before you begin Install WebSphere Application Server v on the future Portal Primary Node Install the Primary Portal Node Install IBM Support Assistant Lite Install the Deployment Manager Con ?gure the Deployment Manager Con ?gure the Primary Portal node to an external database Federate and Cluster the Primary Node Install WebSphere Application Server v on the future Portal Secondary Node Install the Secondary Portal Node Install IBM Support Assistant Lite Federate and Cluster the Secondary Portal node Con ?gure the Portal Cluster for Security Con ?gure the Portal Cluster with an external web server Appendix A ?? Create a Deployment Manager pro ?le on the Primary Portal node Appendix B ?? SQL Script to Create DB Databases Appendix C ?? Adding a Vertical Cluster member Appendix D ?? Adding a new secondary node to an existing cluster Appendix E ?? Running IBM Support Assistant Lite Appendix F ?? Common Problems CIntroduction Building and con ?guring a cluster can be a very complex task You can build portal clusters in various ways This article provides a best practice approach for building a cluster environment using WebSphere Portal version This example produces a two-node horizontal cluster as shown in Figure Your environment might require special considerations but you should still follow this step-by-step approach as an overall guide Higher Versions of Portal Although this guide is speci ?cally written for -bit Portal v and WSAS v the same approach will apply to any Portal v version or higher and any WSAS v x version or bit WebSphere Application Server v or higher You may also use WAS v and higher as well as long as you understand the following You have the option of installing WAS v as part of the Portal v installation so there is no need to manually install it beforehand unlike WAS v Therefore the Primary Node Secondary Node and Deployment Manager installation steps may be slightly di ?erent for you - Screenshots and paths within the Deployment Manager Administrative console may vary between WAS v and WAS v Screenshots and paths in this guide are from WAS v Windows Unix Di ?erences This guide was written using Linux as the base operating system however the steps concepts listed in this guide are independent of operating system That is you can follow these same steps on any operating system and achieve the same result The only signi ?cant di ?erence is

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