Quot isee parificato quot for international students who can apply

??ISEE Pari ?cato ? for international students Who can applyAll international students - residing abroad - residing in Italy with an income lower than euro and with close family residing abroad Italian students residing abroad registered or not at the Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all ? Estero Where to apply Applications must be submitted to a speci ?c CAF Fiscal Assistance Centre partner of the University of Padova and ESU Regional Institution for the Right to University Education CONFEURO ASSOCIAZIONE TERRITORIALE PADOVA VIA G B BELZONI ?? PADOVA Tel ?? E- mail iseepari ?catounipd gmail com The opening hours of the CAF are published on our website www unipd it en studying-padova fundingand- fees key-documents The service is free of charge Deadlines ? July - August applications for regional scholarship you need incomes of ? July - November applications for students collaborations hours academic year tuition fee waivers and other types of waivers you need incomes of if you apply before December Important Documents must be submitted in original to the CAF before the deadlines above indicated Only in case of inability to go to the CAF applicants can send all requested documents via postal service to CONFEURO ASSOCIAZIONE TERRITORIALE PADOVA - VIA G B BELZONI - PADOVA by attaching the authorization form available at www unipd it en studying-padova funding-andfees key- documents Applicants will receive their ISEE by email to the address indicated in the authorization form CKey documents Family statement with the family household composition and personal data for each family member both parents ? data must be present in the documents if there is divorced sentence or a death you have to declare it through a copy of the sentence or a certi ?cate Family income - Documents related to income earned in Italy if any Italian Income Tax Returns Please note that students enrolled at the University of Padova each year in March receive an email with the o ?cial declaration about your scholarships or other incomes provided by the University if applicable If you are applying for ISEE in you will need to submit documents related to incomes - Documents related to income earned abroad annual income generated abroad for each family member including documents certifying any lack of income for members aged or over If you are applying for ISEE in you will need to submit documents related to incomes Properties - as at December of the previous calendar year e g if you are applying for ISEE in - owned in Italy and or abroad by each family member including documents certifying any lack of real estate properties for members aged or over Financial assets - as at December of the previous calendar year e g if you are applying for ISEE in - owned in Italy and or abroad by each family member balance statements of bank postal and deposit accounts declarations of securities stocks dividends equity and share holdings The rent contract of the building used as the main residence of the

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  • Publié le Sep 26, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 32.7kB