division mid year in service training for teachers

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VII Central Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TOLEDO CITY D Macapagal Highway Poblacion Toledo City DIVISION MID-YEAR IN-SERVICE TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Session Title ICT AND OTHER APPROPRIATE TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES Duration of Session hours Key Understandings to be ? Teaching and learning resources refer to resources used in the teaching Developed and learning process such as teaching resources e g curriculum guides teacher ? s manuals learning resources e g learner ? s materials worksheets ? Inclusion of Information and Communications Technology ICT refers to the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning process This also includes digital resources downloaded from the LRMDS portal YouTube and the like Learning Objectives Knowledge Skill Attitude Values Identify the di ?erent teaching and learning resources including ICT to address learning goals Develop and use appropriate teaching and learning resources including ICT to address learning goals Appreciate the usefulness of ICT in the delivery of teaching and learning resources Assume responsibility in using intellectual property Resources Introductory Activity mins Projector Handouts Microphone Speakers Laptop Bondpaper Manila Paper Pentel Pens Metacards Masking Tape PPST Module Word Search A word search puzzle will be projected onscreen and the participants will pick out words from it and write these words on metacards and attach these metacards on a manila paper Ask What words were you able to ?nd in the word search puzzle With which are these words related Activity mins Entry Metacards The participants will be asked to write on entry metacards various instructional materials and their uses in teaching speci ?c subjects Analysis mins Ask How do you ?nd the activity What insights have you learned from the activity How useful are the instructional materials in the teaching and learning process CAbstraction Generalization mins Application mins Concluding Activity mins C

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  • Publié le Apv 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 24.5kB