uesd studyguide Your road to success Your road to success LEVEL EMPLOYABILITY AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT OFFICIA ? ABE ? L STUDY GUIDE abeuk com C ? ABE All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means

Your road to success Your road to success LEVEL EMPLOYABILITY AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT OFFICIA ? ABE ? L STUDY GUIDE abeuk com C ? ABE All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or held within any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited Further details of such licences for reprographic reproduction may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited Barnard ? s Inn Fetter Lane London EC A EN This study guide is supplied for study by the original purchaser only and must not be sold lent hired or given to anyone else Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this study guide however no liability can be accepted for any loss incurred in any way whatsoever by any person relying solely on the information contained within it The study guide has been produced solely for the purpose of professional quali cation study and should not be taken as de nitive of the legal position Speci c advice should always be obtained before undertaking any investment ABE cannot be held responsible for the content of any website mentioned in this book ISBN - - - - Copyright ? ABE First published in by ABE th Floor CI Tower St Georges Square New Malden Surrey KT TE UK www abeuk com All facts are correct at time of publication Author Carrie Foster Reviewer Jacqui Bishop BA Hons MA PGCE Dip M Dip MRS MCIM Editorial and project management by Haremi Ltd Typesetting by York Publishing Solutions Pvt Ltd Every e ?ort has been made to trace all copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the Publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the rst opportunity The rights of Carrie Foster to be identi ed as the author of this work have been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright Design and Patents Act The publishers gratefully acknowledge permission to reproduce the following copyright material p Asier Romero Shutterstock com p Andrey Popov Shutterstock com p Monkey Business Images Shutterstock com p joingate Shutterstock com p Syda Productions Shutterstock com p pathdoc Shutterstock com p EHStockphoto Shutterstock com p Daxiao Productions Shutterstock com p MikeBiTa Shutterstock com p Orientaly Shutterstock com ii ? ABE CContents Using your study guide iv Chapter Concept of Employability Employability and the attitudes skills and behaviours that are required by employers Selection criteria in the changing workplace Chapter Assessing Your Own Skillset Your skills versus the employability skills sought by employers Assessing your skillset to write a CV and complete job applications Chapter Demonstrating Your Employability Demonstrating your employability during the recruitment and selection process Maximising your potential to a prospective employer at interview Chapter Establishing Yourself in a New Role Using employability skills in a new job Integrating with and becoming an e

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  • Publié le Fev 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 248.5kB