Advanced steel user guide Advance Steel User's Guide CThis document contains a brief description of the software functions and is not a replacement for the training program This guide includes information about all the modules including those that are opt

Advance Steel User's Guide CThis document contains a brief description of the software functions and is not a replacement for the training program This guide includes information about all the modules including those that are optional For detailed information regarding the program's functions refer to the online help provided in Advance In case of any discrepancy between the information given in this guide and the information given in the software the software is the most up to date source The content of this guide is subject to change without notice Any reproduction or distribution even in partial by any means - electronically or mechanically - of the contents of the present guide and other supplied documentation is strictly forbidden if made without GRAITEC's explicit authorization ? GRAITEC Bièvres All rights reserved Windows and Windows XP are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation DXF and AutoCAD are trademarks or registered trademarks of AutoDesk Inc San Rafael CA All the other marks belong to their owners CADVANCE STEEL USER ? S GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME Introduction Advance Specialized areas Advance and AutoCAD Technology Communication options Individual preferences Chapter Installation General System requirements Hardware Software Distribution License Obtaining a user license Using USB dongles Installation Server and Client con ?guration Authorizing the software License management Converting databases Merging Support Support by telephone Chapter The D Model Elements of the D model Beam Plate Processing Bolt patterns welds Joints Structural elements Auxiliary objects Special parts D Modeling work ow Chapter Advance interface Starting the program working environment Advance toolbars menus Using Advance Other important tools for using Advance Creating Advance objects Object properties Layer Chapter Creating a D Model Creating a building grid Creating a beam Straight beams Compound sections Curved beams Poly beams Folded pro ?le Construction systems Cold rolled pro ?les Welded beams CADVANCE STEEL USER ? S GUIDE Creating plates Rectangular plate Polygon plate Gusset plates Splitting merging - plates Shrinking enlarging polygon plate Folded plate Coordinate systems Object Coordinate Systems Coordinate systems at curved beams UCS at a bisecting line De ?ning a coordinate system Beam processing Processing objects Rule- based beam processing Process section Section contour Plate processing Plate processing ?? weld preparation Cut plate at UCS Cut plate at plate Plate processing ?? independent from the UCS Plate processing ?? dependent on the UCS Corner processing Polygon plate processing Changing Advance objects Changing objects using grips AutoCAD Manipulating tools AutoCAD command properties Advance command properties Representation Type ?? Snaps ?? Grips Bolt and Hole Patterns Shear Studs Creating a bolt pattern Creating a hole pattern Creating shear studs Shifting a bolt hole pattern Splitting a bolt hole pattern Recalculating a grip length Bolts on gauge lines Welds Connections Changing connections Checking connections Working methods I Selecting objects Object ?lter Marking Unmarking objects Searching Marking objects Changing representation type Views on the model Structural elements Portal frames Flat frames Single-span Bracings Purlins Pylons Joists Half trusses Joints and connection objects Joints Stairs Connection objects CADVANCE STEEL

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  • Publié le Jul 27, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 405.2kB