Alarp guide ALARP GUIDE Process Safety Guidance Foreword This ALARP Guide has been completed with help of Technical Safety Engineering representatives of all Shell businesses PT DS UI and UA The objective of the guide is to get to an improved and more coh
ALARP GUIDE Process Safety Guidance Foreword This ALARP Guide has been completed with help of Technical Safety Engineering representatives of all Shell businesses PT DS UI and UA The objective of the guide is to get to an improved and more coherent ALARP decision making across Shell in line with the mandatory requirements of the HSSE SP Control Framework ALARP decision making involves professional judgement and is not an analytical straightforward calculation Although this guidance is now regarded as the best available in the Group it has been published with a mindset that it can be developed further with input and feedback from practitioners The steer is to use this guide and to provide feedback to the Technical Safety Engineering discipline so we can update and build this guide to a ?nal product Calibration of our ALARP decision making will be helped with sharing of good examples A template for recording ALARP Decision Records is provided in Appendix A the Technical Safety Management Portal on the Shell Web provides completed examples for reference Guide users are requested to provide further ALARP decision records that could help to extend our data base and help to calibrate ALARP decision making across Shell For feedback and general enquiries please contact Bud Willoughby GSUSI- PTD HHSC Appreciating some of the ambiguity in ALARP decision making we are looking forward to receiving constructive feedback to build towards a ?rst ever comprehensive global ALARP guide for Shell Paul Buijsingh Group Process Safety manager GDH Technical Safety Engineering ALARP Guide Rev B ?? Issue for useMay Page of CProcess Safety Guidance Table of Contents FOREWORD ABBREVIATIONS ALARP GUIDE ALARP CONCEPT INTRODUCTION De ?nition ALARP RELATED CONCEPTS Inherent Safety Tolerability Uncertainty Gross Disproportion UKOOA ?? ALARP Decision Framework Bow- Ties CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ALARP DEMONSTRATION INTRODUCTION RISK TOLERABILITY CRITERIA ALARP DEMONSTRATION PROCESS IDENTIFY ASSESS PHASE SELECT PHASE DEFINE PHASE EXECUTE PHASE OPERATE PHASE ALARP DEMONSTRATION PRINCIPLES CATALOGUE DESIGN PACKAGE SKID UNITS REFERENCES APPENDIX A ?? ALARP DEMONSTRATION WORKSHEET ?? TEMPLATE EXAMPLE ALARP WORKSHEET TEMPLATE APPENDIX B ?? GETTING TO ALARP ?? GUIDING STATEMENTS APPENDIX C ?? RISK TOLERABILITY CRITERIA ALARP Guide Rev B ?? Issue for useMay Page of CABBREVIATIONS Acronym ACAL AI-PSM ALARP API BAT CBA CBL DCAF DEP DEM DP DS DSM DT EIA EV FAR FAQ HAZID HEMP HFE HRA HSSE HSSE SP CF GDH IRPA ISO LOPA LS I R MAH MIACC MOC ORP PCAP Process Safety Guidance De ?nition Asset Controls and Assurance List Asset Integrity Process Safety Management As Low As Reasonably Practicable American Petroleum Institute Best Available Technology Cost Bene ?t Analysis Consequential Business Loss Discipline Control Assurance Framework Design Engineering Practices Design Engineering Manual Design Pressure Downstream Downstream Manufacturing Design Temperature Environmental Impact Assessment Expecation Value Fatal Accident Rate Frequently Asked Question Hazard Identi ?cation Hazard E ?ects Management Process Human Factors Engineering Health Risk Assessment Health Safety Security Environment Health Safety Security Environment Social Performance Control Framework Global Discipline Head Individual Risk per Annum International Standards Organization Layer of
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- Publié le Jui 28, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 133.4kB