Annotated bibliography 4 Sharpless Hannah Sharpless Professor Gretchen Pratt English Date due Annotated Bibliography Ashburner Jill Jenny Ziviani and Ana Pennington The Introduction Of Keyboarding To Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders With Handwritin
Sharpless Hannah Sharpless Professor Gretchen Pratt English Date due Annotated Bibliography Ashburner Jill Jenny Ziviani and Ana Pennington The Introduction Of Keyboarding To Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders With Handwriting Di ?culties A Help Or A Hindrance Australasian Journal Of Special Education - ERIC Web Mar This article talked about a study conducted to explore the e ?ects in using keyboarding as an alternative to handwriting for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders who have di ?culties writing by hand The study used twenty-two students with ASD whom we ? re given portable word processors to use in the classroom to overcome these di ?culties with handwriting The study measured students ? motivation speed ability and preferences of keyboard use versus handwriting Teacher student and parent questionnaires indicated the students ? motivation levels were generally much higher for the portable word processors over handwriting Overall keyboarding was e ?ective in helping students to overcome several obstacles experienced while handwriting with legibility being most signi ?cant This article was published in the Australasian Journal of Special Education by Australian Academic Press The Australasian Journal of Special Education publishes articles C speci ?cally designed for those professionally active or interested in the education of students with special needs or in the education of those who will work with these students The author of this article Jill Ashburner ? s doctoral study focused on the emotional and end educational outcomes of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders She is currently a manager at Autism Queensland Inc and has been awarded several grants to conduct studies focusing on sensory processing auditory processing occupational therapy and keyboarding This article o ?ered me an alternative perspective on my research topic Most of the research I have done so far talked about technology in a negative sense in terms of the e ?ects it has had on the value of handwriting This article used a very interesting approach to incorporate a positive outcome of technology on handwriting I would not have thought to include this in my research paper until I found this article and this has encouraged me to do further research on the use of technology by people with writing learning disabilities It also encouraged me to look for additional ways where technology has been seen as having a positive e ?ect on the way we value handwriting outside of people with disabilities This article made me wonder just how many people aren ? t able to communicate through writing at all without the use of technology I would love to continue exploring more research surrounding these topics Herbert Heuer et al The Death Of Handwriting Secondary E ?ects Of Frequent Computer Use On Basic Motor Skills Journal Of Motor Behavior - SPORTDiscus with Full Text Web Mar C The main idea issued in this article was that not only does handwriting su ?er because of the growing use of technology but basic motor skills and basic human skills as well Frequent computer use is associated with
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- Publié le Sep 06, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 40.8kB