Brand guide valiant Brand Guide Revision February Global Marketing CWe help companies build amazing products Valiant TMS is a global company powered by people working together to be the most trusted partner in delivering Intelligent Automation solutions W

Brand Guide Revision February Global Marketing CWe help companies build amazing products Valiant TMS is a global company powered by people working together to be the most trusted partner in delivering Intelligent Automation solutions We ? re a full-service Industry system integrator leading the way in digitalization process development design and technology integration We specialize in welding and joining automated assembly and test industrial parts washers and ?nal assembly systems Intelligent Automation CContents Brand Fundamentals Logo Application Clear Space Rules Color Palette Typography Equipment Signs Guideline Customer-Speci ?c Requirements Types and Sizes Imperial Units Die-Cut Vinyl Stickers Aluminum Signs Technical Support Sticker NA ValuFlex Washer Types and Sizes Metric Units Die-Cut Vinyl Stickers Aluminum Signs Technical Support Sticker EU Application Details Electrical Panels and HMI ? s Cable Trays Fencing Typical Applications Body in White Welding and Joining Systems Engineered Hemming Solutions Automation Assembly and Test Systems Industrial Parts Washers Final Assembly and Conveyor Systems Aerospace Assembly Systems and Tools Tools Jigs Fixtures and Gages Brand Guide REVISION ? FEBRUARY ? GLOBAL MARKETING ? ? VALIANT TMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBrand Fundamentals CBrand Fundamentals Logo ? Simple modern design re ects our technology-driven company ? Typeface with subtle customizations makes it uniquely ours ? Logo details and proportions optimized for a variety of applications Brand Guide REVISION ? FEBRUARY ? GLOBAL MARKETING ? ? VALIANT TMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBrand Fundamentals Logo Application COLOR REVERSED BLACK COLOR REVERSED BLACK ? The logo will be applied in color whenever possible ? The logo may be reversed in white when placed over dark backgrounds ? The logo may be used in solid black when applied to printable goods such as forms stationery engineering drawings etc Brand Guide REVISION ? FEBRUARY ? GLOBAL MARKETING ? ? VALIANT TMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBrand Fundamentals Logo Clear Space It ? s important to keep the logo clear of any other graphic elements Clear space is equally as important to good design as design elements themselves To regulate this clear space has been established around the logo It de ?nes the minimum exclusion zone and indicates the closest any other graphic element or message can be positioned in relation to the logo It also represents the minimum distance the logo can be positioned from and edge X X X X X X CLEAR SPACE ZONE CLEAR SPACE ZONE ? The logo should always be surrounded with clear space to ensure visibility and impact ? The amount of clear space is equal to the height of the logo x and applied equally around the perimeter of the logo Brand Guide REVISION ? FEBRUARY ? GLOBAL MARKETING ? ? VALIANT TMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CBrand Fundamentals Logo Rules Minimum printed size ? wide Don ? t change the color ? Don ? t modify or re-assemble Don ? t stretch it out of proportion Don ? t use gradients or patterns Don ? t make it too big Company Form Please use this form to request a smaller

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  • Publié le Jan 02, 2023
  • Catégorie Management
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  • Taille du fichier 66kB