Recreation program guide 1

FALL Town of Oro Valley Parks and Recreation PROGRAM GUIDE Doggie Dash ? n Dawdle pg SANTA CATALINA MOUNTAINS For online version please visit http townoforovalley maps arcgis com ORO VALLEY PARKS RECREATION MAP MAP LEGEND Oro Valley Town Limits Park Coronado National Forest Trail Heads PARK INFORMATION AMENITIES Trail Shared Use Path Parks Recreation O ?ce HONEY BEE CANYON PARK ORO VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTER EL CONQUISTADOR TENNIS PUSCH X N Rancho Vistoso Blvd EL CONQUISTADOR GOLF TENNIS GOLF COURSE AT PUSCH RIDGE ? Two covered ? Restrooms N La Ca? ada Drive N Oracle Road ramadas ? Grills and picnic tables at ramadas ? Drinking fountain ? Accessible ramp ? Hiking Trails CATALINA STATE PARK N Oracle Road ? Ranger station ? Restrooms and showers ? Gift shop ? Exhibits ? Picnic area ? Camping and RV sites ? Dump station ? Equestrian staging area ? Hiking trails ? Two -hole golf ? Fitness classes ? lighted tennis courts courses ? Locker rooms ? Nine-hole golf course ? Two racquetball ? Child watch room courts ? Cardio JAMES D KRIEGH PARK ? Four pickleball equipment W Calle Concordia courts ? lighted tennis courts ? Two swimming pools one ? Weight and exercise room ? Overlook Restaurant ? Sand volleyball court ? Covered ramada ? Three lighted baseball ?elds ? Two lighted softball ?elds lap pool one ? Shaded ? Four recreation pool playground racquetball ? Lighted half- area courts court basketball ? Accessible ? Two soccer court playground multipurpose area ?elds NARANJA PARK W Naranja Drive ? Trails ? Two lighted ? Archery range multi-use ?elds ? Two archery ? Covered ramada walking courses ? Picnic tables at ? Metal detecting ramada permitted ? Grill ? Two o ?-leash dog ? Remote control parks for small aircraft ying large dogs strip ? Restrooms WEST LAMBERT LANE PARK W Lambert Lane ? Natural hiking trails ? Metal detecting permitted CA? ADA DEL ORO RIVERFRONT PARK W Lambert Lane ? Sand volleyball court ? Three covered ramadas ? Shaded ? Two lighted softball ?elds ? Two lighted soccer ?elds ? One lighted ? Grills and picnic tables ? Four drinking fountains ? Metal detecting permitted ? Two lighted restrooms ? Batting cage only one ? Concession stand ? O ?-leash dog park ORO VALLEY AQUATIC CENTER W Calle Concordia ? Interactive ? Classroom CA? ADA DEL ORO SHARED USE PATH Along the Ca? ada del Oro Wash between La Ca? ada Drive and Oracle Road with extensions to both the west and north playground area tennis court ? Grills and picnic ? One lighted tables at ramadas basketball court ? Two drinking fountains ? Equestrian staging area splash pad for parties ? Giant water meetings and slide classes ? -yard ? Restrooms recreation pool and family ? Accessible Walking Path ? Part of the Pima County Loop system ? Performance area ? Concession stand ? Metal detecting ? Walking path ? Olympic-sized competition changing rooms ? Water fountains along path and

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  • Publié le Mai 21, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 180.3kB