Cpd employers guide Parts of the Sector Skills Council Skills for Care and Development Continuing Professional Development for the social care workforce Employer ? s Guide Endorsed by CEmployer ? s Employer ? s guide to Continuing Professional Development

Parts of the Sector Skills Council Skills for Care and Development Continuing Professional Development for the social care workforce Employer ? s Guide Endorsed by CEmployer ? s Employer ? s guide to Continuing Professional Development Contents Introduction page guide to How to use the guide What is CPD Continuing Professional What are the bene ?ts of CPD How can the barriers to CPD be overcome What are the CPD responsibilities of employers and individuals What can employers do to implement CPD Development What CPD processes are e ?ective What learning methods are e ?ective Recording and evaluating progress Developed and written by Fran McDonnell and Harry Zutshi App Overview of the CPD framework to a commission from Skills for Care App The recording template App Funding and resources Introduction App Signposts to further information and advice Skills for Care the Children ? s Workforce Development Council and partners have de veloped a continuing professional development CPD strategy The strategy is pub lished at www skillsforcare org uk and other partner agencies ? websites The strategy is for all employers and people working in social care including those with profes sional quali ?cations CPD is vital as it is ? central to improving your service ? essential for good people management ? key to improving recruitment and retention ? applicable to all your workers volunteers carers and managers ? a shared responsibility ??for workers to develop their skills and knowledge and for you as an employer to actively provide appropriate learning opportunities If you develop a CPD strategy the outcomes should be ? improved services from the perspective of the user of the service ? your organisation meeting relevant standards and requirements including those for registration and re- registration if appropriate ? workers having improved competence con ?dence and self-esteem ? more quali ?ed workers ? the development of a learning culture rather than a training culture ? better recruitment and retention of workers The CPD framework is published alongside the CPD strategy An overview is in cluded in appendix to this guide It is intended to support employers in social care to implement the CPD strategy by providing ? a shared understanding of CPD within the current social care context ? a model for developing a consistent and coherent approach to CPD ? systems and processes for implementing CPD ? exemplars for career pathways C Employer ? s guide to Continuing Professional Development How to use this guide This employer ? s guide is one of a range of guides and tools that will be produced for employers managers and workers to explain what CPD means for them and help to put the CPD framework into practice An overview of the CPD framework is in appendix This guide can be used by ? social care employers and managers of small and medium sized businesses e g residential homes and domiciliary care agencies Overview of CPD resources Some of the guidance and tools have yet to be developed and are

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  • Publié le Jui 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 115.5kB