Report specification guide section 1 request
Report Speci ?cation Guide This document acts as a guide for completing the report request template Each section in this document will describe and explain how to use the available ?elds in the template Included in each section is a screenshot of the template with a completed example Refer to this guide when you need help using the report request template Notes In the template you will ?nd ?elds colored in red blue and green Red ?elds are required The report cannot be completed without these ?elds in red Blue ?elds are optional The more optional ?elds that are completed the easier it is for the report writer to create the report This aids in speed and e ?ciency and reduces ambiguity Green ?elds are only to be completed after the report is completed Please note the example screenshots do not include real names or report request details It is not an actual report request It is meant to act as a demonstration General Info Tab Section ?? Request Report Name ?? Enter the name of the report for the new system This is how the report will be identi ?ed If this is a preexisting report you may or may not want to re-use the Legacy Report Name Legacy Report Name ?? The name of the report in the previous system This is used to identify a pre-existing report The report writer may reference the pre-existing report when creating the report in the new system Date Requested ?? This is the date the request is being made Requested By ?? This is the name of the person making the request Dept Unit ?? This is the department or unit that is making the request i The department to which the requestor belongs Date Required ?? This is the date by which the report is needed Please allow a reasonable time for the request to be completed Contact Phone ?? The phone number of the requestor The report writer may need to contact you with questions about the request Contact Email ?? The email of the requestor The report writer may need to contact you with questions about the request CSection ?? Purpose Purpose ?? A brief description of the purpose of the report The purpose of the report aids the report writer in understanding the intent of the report It helps the report writer know here to access the appropriate data The purpose also helps the report writer account for important details that may otherwise be overlooked Section ?? Distribution Schedule Schedule to run Y N ?? Indicates if the report should be scheduled to run at regular intervals If applicable select yes or no Y N Run on Days of Week ?? Indicates the day of the week a scheduled report should run If applicable select a day of the week Su M Tu W Th F Sa Frequency ?? Indicates the frequency at which the scheduled report should run If applicable select a time period Daily Weekly
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