Grenoble guide 1 - GRENOBLE Information package for international students crous A guide to Grenoble Ecole de Management and life in France Grenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CGrenoble Ecole de Management International Stud

- GRENOBLE Information package for international students crous A guide to Grenoble Ecole de Management and life in France Grenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CGrenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY TO PREPARE YOUR STAY THIS WILL BE YOUR SURVIVAL GUIDE AS A FOREIGN STUDENT IN FRANCE The following information is to help you understand the practical and administrative side of the adventure you are about to begin It should answer most of your questions concerning housing and integration in Grenoble-France Please quote your program in all your correspondence with us Grenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CGrenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CTABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME FROM GEM INTERNATIONAL STUDENT INTEGRATION About GEM International Student Integration Administration and Pedagogical Issues about your program Student Support BEFORE ARRIVING IN FRANCE GRENOBLE Visa Documents you should bring with you Practical advice and warnings Hotel List Notes for Asian Indian and Muslim students GETTING TO GRENOBLE ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT GEM GETTING SETTLED IN GRENOBLE What do I need to do upon arrival to Grenoble The Welcome Desk Some tips dealing with the French administration Personal safety in Grenoble BUDGET VISA RESIDENCE PERMIT Finish the visa procedure upon your arrival to Grenoble with the OFII ?? How to get the OFII stamp Renewal of the residence permit Diplomatic representatives in Grenoble Further notes and useful forms HOUSING Overview of the accommodation situation in Grenoble Your accommodation search Pre-visits Di ?erent types of accommodation CROUS GEM housing platform Studapart Look for a room independently ??classi ?ed ads ADIIJ de Grenoble Association Départamentale Information Initative Jeunesse Sharing an apartment DIGI Domicile Inter Génèration Isérois Further notes Important note Meaning of terms Procedure and useful terms Services Financial Assistance with Accommodation CAF INSURANCE French Student Health System Sécurité Sociale Students from the European Union plus Iceland Liechtenstein Norway and Switzerland Students from Quebec Students from other nationalities Complementary Health Insurance Mutuelle Private Insurance ??Médecin Traitant ? GP Housing insurance Civil liability insurance Repatriation insurance DAILY LIFE The Euro Exchange money Banking Opening a bank account Banking terms Religions Driving license Discover the French Culture with AVF Meylan Grésivaudan Student Associations USEFUL TELEPHONES NUMBERS USEFUL WEBLINKS Grenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CGrenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CWelcome from ISS WELCOME from GEM International Student Integration Grenoble Ecole de Management International Student Guide - ?? Page CSoon you will be coming to Grenoble for an academic year or a semester as an International Business student on one of the programmes o ?ered by the Grenoble Ecole de Management The integration team looks forward to welcoming you In order to prepare you for your stay in France we are including some practical information Grenoble is a dynamic university city of habitants in the south-east of France It is within easy reach of Paris hours by TGV high-speed

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  • Publié le Aoû 12, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 392.2kB