Sas guide Guide Jericho Forum Self-Assessment Scheme CCopyright ? The Open Group Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works UK England Wales ?? http creativecommons org licenses by-nd uk You are free to copy distribute display and per
Guide Jericho Forum Self-Assessment Scheme CCopyright ? The Open Group Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works UK England Wales ?? http creativecommons org licenses by-nd uk You are free to copy distribute display and perform the work subject to appropriate attribution the Jericho Forum except that in addition you may make derivative works providing such works do not claim to be endorsed by the Jericho Forum This document has not been veri ?ed for avoidance of possible third-party proprietary rights In implementing this document usual procedures to ensure the respect of possible third-party intellectual property rights should be followed Guide Jericho Forum Self-Assessment Scheme Published by The Open Group March Comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to The Open Group Thames Tower - Station Road Reading Berkshire RG LX United Kingdom or by electronic mail to jerichoforum-interest opengroup org ii Jericho Forum CContents Background and Rationale Why this Self-Assessment Scheme Value-Add Why will a Vendor or Customer use this Self-Assessment Scheme Self-Policing Initial Industry Response Using the Self-Assessment Scheme Caveats How to Use this Document How to Complete a Self-Assessment Self-Assessment Template Self-Assessment Scorecard Jericho Forum Self-Assessment Scheme iii CPreface The Jericho Forum The Jericho Forum is a Managed Consortium of The Open Group Founded in January the Jericho Forum is an international IT security thought-leadership group dedicated to de ?ning ways to deliver e ?ective IT security solutions that will match increasing business demands for secure IT operations in our open Internet-driven globally networked world Its members include multi-national corporate user organizations major security vendors solutions providers and academics all working together to ? Drive and in uence development of secure architectures technology solutions and implementation approaches for securing our de-perimeterizing IT world to enable safe secure collaborative interworking globally between enterprises ?? business partners customers suppliers and out-workers ? Support development of open standards that will underpin these solutions By the Jericho Forum had raised industry awareness of the major information security challenges that increasing erosion of corporate boundaries was creating published its commandments design principles on requirements for e ?ective information security in deperimeterized environments It also published a number of requirements papers explaining deperimeterization and e ?ective security responses In these papers the requirement for information-centric security ?? moving the protection close to the data asset ?? is a key objective In January the Jericho Forum published its Collaboration Oriented Architectures COA Framework for developing secure architectures for de-perimeterized environments Current activities are focused on maturing the COA Framework solution space and analyzing requirements for enabling secure business collaboration in the de-perimeterized environment that Cloud Computing represents In April the Jericho Forum published its Cloud Cube Model which assessed the Cloud Computing space from the viewpoint of a business manager assessing the risks and bene ?ts of extending business operations and collaborative partnerships into di ?erent types of cloud It is building on this with developments in several related areas one in particular being Identity and Access Management as
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- Publié le Nov 03, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 111.5kB