Guide to the monash university ohs management system february 2011

AS NZS OHSAS OHS SAI Global GUIDE TO THE MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM February TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE SCOPE ABBREVIATIONS DEFINITIONS OHS POLICY PLANNING RISK AND HAZARD MANAGEMENT LEGAL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OBJECTIVES PROGRAMMES OHS MANAGEMENT PLANS IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION RESOURCES ROLES RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY AND AUTHORITY COMPETENCE TRAINING AND AWARENESS COMMUNICATION PARTICIPATION CONSULTATION DOCUMENTATION CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS OPERATIONAL CONTROL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS RESPONSE CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT MONITORING INCIDENT REPORTING NONCONFORMITY CORRECTIVE PREVENTATIVE ACTION CONTROL OF RECORDS INTERNAL AUDIT MANAGEMENT REVIEW REFERENCES Guide to the OHS Management System at Monash University v Date of ?rst issue May Responsible O ?cer Director OH S Date of last review February Page of Date of next review Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled copies For current version check www adm monash edu ohse documents index html C PURPOSE This document provides a guide to the Occupational Health and Safety OHS management system that exists at the Australian campuses of Monash University and for Monash controlled entities in accordance with OHSAS Occupational Health Safety Management Systems ?? requirements and AS NZS Occupational Health Safety Management Systems ?? speci ?cations with guidance for use It describes the core elements of the OHS management system and their interaction and provides direction to related documentation Click on the hyperlinked text to view the controlled OHS management system documentation Documents can be downloaded or printed SCOPE The Monash University OHS management system covers the teaching research and administrative activities conducted at the Berwick Clayton Caul ?eld Gippsland Parkville and Peninsula campuses at all o ? campus sites and the activities required to maintain the facilities and services necessary for these activities The scope of this document includes ? Consideration of and compliance with relevant legislative regulatory and statutory obligations ? Corporate governance including due diligence and duty of care ? Hazard identi ?cation risk assessment and risk control requirements for routine and non routine activities ? Accident and incident prevention initiatives and ? Training awareness communication and consultation requirements ABBREVIATIONS OHS OH S OHSPC Local OHS E committee Occupational health and safety Occupational Health and Safety branch Occupational Health Safety Policy Committee Local OHS environmental committee DEFINITIONS MONASH CONTROLLED ENTITY Monash controlled entities eg companies include entities where Monash can control decision making directly or indirectly in relation to the ?nancial and operating policies so as to enable the entity to operate with it in pursuing the objectives of Monash University For the remainder of this document a Monash controlled entity will be referred to as a controlled entity or entity OHS POLICY The Monash University OHS Policy is displayed in each academic administrative unit and is available at the OH S website where hardcopies can be downloaded and in the university ? s Policy Bank Guide to the OHS Management System at Monash University v Date of ?rst issue May Responsible O ?cer Director OH S Date of last review February Page of Date of next review Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled copies

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  • Publié le Oct 06, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 61.3kB