Improve your memory testing yourself

Testing yourself The revision cycle To get the most from your revision test yourself again and again but with increasing gaps between tests minutes after learning something e g at the end of the minute study break which you take after learning the topic day later at the beginning of a revision session days later week later ? etc If you can ? t remember the information at any point in the cycle then relearn it and go back to Recalling the information Remembering Practice planning lots of answers to old exam questions You don ? t have to write the answer out in full Practice plans will get you used to interpreting questions then choosing and ordering what you know in order to answer them During the exam this will help your ability to retrieve information quickly and see how to apply it to the particular question Stay calm During exams stay calm If you can ? t remember something move on to another topic Your mind is likely to remember the information once you stop searching for it For more information see ? Preparing for exams Planning your revision Preparing for exams Writing exam answers For more on this and other aspects of academic study see our website at www rdg ac uk studyadvice ? Dr Angela Taylor Dr Judy Turner Dr Kim Shahabudin Dr Michelle Reid University Study Advice team LearnHigher CETL Reading E ?ective Study Guides Improve your memory Preparing for exams This includes advice on Active learning Learning through understanding Strategies for rote learning Testing yourself This guide is an introduction to the advice available For more detailed advice on Preparing for Exams see the Study Advice website Many students worry about memory especially in relation to exams In exams for most modules you will not be expected to be able to repeat information by rote University exams are designed to test your ability to apply information by applying facts and ideas to the question being asked You will need to be able to see the links between ideas quickly and select the most relevant information to include in your answer This study guide contains a series of suggestions for ways to improve your memory during revision not all of these will be e ?ective for everybody so experiment and ?nd what works for you Getting your timing right Time of day - Think about when you work best morning afternoon or evening When you need to learn facts try to revise when you are most alert and focused CTaking breaks - Take regular breaks to let your memory recover and absorb the information you have just studied You will learn best if you revise material have a sleep and then review the material the next day Pacing your learning - You will learn best if you spread your learning of a particular topic over an extended period of time Rather than focusing on similar information for a whole day change topics completely When you

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  • Publié le Mar 11, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 28.8kB