Learner guide by nebosh NEBOSH Open Book Examinations Learner Guide Guidance document for preparing for the open book examination for NG IG NGC and IGC units Q Version Sep CNEBOSH Open Book Examinations Learner Guide Contents Introduction The assessment P

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations Learner Guide Guidance document for preparing for the open book examination for NG IG NGC and IGC units Q Version Sep CNEBOSH Open Book Examinations Learner Guide Contents Introduction The assessment Preparing for your examination Malpractice Closing interviews Advice for a successful closing interview Other FAQs CNEBOSH Open Book Examinations Learner Guide Introduction NEBOSH has introduced open book examinations OBE as a permanent replacement for invigilated SDSHU EDVHG H DPLQDWLRQV IRU VRPH TXDOL ?FDWLRQ XQLWV Open book examinations are commonly used and are a valid and reliable form of assessment that enables you to sit your NEBOSH assessment from your own home or other safe and suitable location Open book examinations continue to uphold the rigour and recognition that people have come to expect from NEBOSH This includes scrutiny for plagiarism and collusion This document will - help you prepare for your open book examination and closing interview - clarify what to expect - provide guidance on how to perform at your best The assessment What is an open book examination An open book examination can test the same learning outcomes and assessment criteria as invigilated paper-based examinations However unlike a closed book assessment you can access textbooks and digital resources Open book examinations test your ability to extract and apply relevant knowledge and organise it to address the question asked How does this open book examination di ?er from traditional invigilated examinations NEBOSH examinations have traditionally been - invigilated handwritten examinations - sat under timed conditions - sat in an examination venue where many learners take the same assessment at once We recommend that you read this guide in conjunction with the - NEBOSH Open Book Examinations Technical Learner Guide - NEBOSH Open Book Examinations App Guide For a NEBOSH open book examination you will - sit the assessment remotely on your own ?? usually in your own home - be able to access your textbooks notes and any other resources while sitting this examination What is a Learning Partner A Learning Partner is the organisation that provides your training course and registers you for your examination Examinations in languages other than English Please note if you are taking an open book examination in a language other than English then the guidance documents examination paper and answer sheet template will be in your chosen language It is also possible to access the online examination platform in your chosen language - please refer to the Technical Learner Guide for further information All other documentation and the app are in English only Are there any similarities with traditional examinations KLOH WKLV LV D PRGL ?FDWLRQ IURP WUDGLWLRQDO SDSHU EDVHG examinations there are also many similarities The question papers will be similar in format and the content and e ?ort required will also be similar However the word count and expected level of detail in the responses will be di ?erent as this format gives you more time to complete your answers and access reference sources Is a

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  • Publié le Sep 23, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 72.7kB