Letter writing guide 1 RESPONDING TO COMPLAINTS CONCERNS A Letter Writing Guide for Healthcare Providers and Administrators January March If you would like this document in a di ?erent format such as print please contact us riskmanagement hiroc com or com

RESPONDING TO COMPLAINTS CONCERNS A Letter Writing Guide for Healthcare Providers and Administrators January March If you would like this document in a di ?erent format such as print please contact us riskmanagement hiroc com or communications hiroc com Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada www hiroc com Head O ?ce Yonge St Suite Toronto Ontario M N K Tel Toll Free riskmanagement hiroc com Western Region Rothesay St Winnipeg Manitoba R G T Tel Toll Free westernregion hiroc com Disclaimer Terms of Use This is a resource for quality assurance and risk management purposes and is not intended to provide legal or medical advice Every e ?ort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at time of publication TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword from HIROC Introduction When things go wrong Why individuals complain Four easy steps to putting things right when a complaint is received The complaint response letter layout Keep these tips in mind Sample statements for the complaint concern response letter Writing the complaint concern response letter Writing the complaint concern response letter to a challenging individual Final thoughts Additional Resources Foreword from HIROC For the majority of healthcare recipients their experience of the care and service you provide is positive and appreciated But when things go wrong and dissatisfaction or unmet expectations result how people and organizations respond determines not just how the individual will feel but says a lot about your organization ? s culture Responding to complaints and concerns is an opportunity to acknowledge the incident and learn from what went wrong This guide is written for all types and sizes of healthcare organizations and provides useful and practical information about writing e ?ective response letters Taking steps to improve how your organization responds in writing to complaints shows patients clients families and sta ? that you are always open to feedback and improvement Please bear in mind as you read this guide that it is important to comply with any applicable privacy legislation throughout the process of considering and responding to a complaint Introduction We know your organization does more things right than wrong But when things do go wrong and there are misunderstandings a response is required From our work with providers of healthcare we know how important listening and learning is to safe considerate and appropriate care It is also a critical way to avoid future problems Ideally the best scenario is to meet with the person who has a complaint but that is not always possible or practical With that in mind we have created this guide to help you and your sta ? compose written responses to the concerns of individuals The information and tips will assist you in writing letters that are not just perfunctory responses to complaints but an indication of how your organization cultivates a culture of openness and feedback We hope you will ?nd this information useful We encourage the early involvement of your organization ? s risk management personnel in this process HIROC

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  • Publié le Mai 22, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 67.1kB