Lettre d x27 ashok beeharry a la mbc

th January To Mrs SF Chuong Koon Shin OIC MBC Mrs L Samboo RO HR Your letter of today on ? Opinion delivered in Public Forum ? refers I note the following Regrettably none of the irrefutable points and clari ?cations made in my letters has been taken into consideration Your averments at paragraph i ii had already been thrashed out and rebutted on indisputable grounds The collectively agreed decisions of the o ?cial meeting on th December mediated by the MBSSA have clearly been outed and raises serious doubts on the reliability and trustworthiness of the interim management In the light of above I wish to put on o ?cial record that your word of caution is to my mind super uous and unwarranted in as much as in the whole span of my -year career at MBC I have never been subject to any adverse report regarding performance indiscipline procedures misconduct malpractice nor fraudulent corruptive activity Taluck BEEHARRY Desk Coordinator C

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  • Publié le Sep 30, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 21.9kB