Mhqe guide apr20 GUIDE FOR MARINE HEALTH SAFETY QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT APRIL American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York ? American Bureau of Shipping All rights reserved City Plaza Drive Sp

GUIDE FOR MARINE HEALTH SAFETY QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT APRIL American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York ? American Bureau of Shipping All rights reserved City Plaza Drive Spring TX USA CForeword April The signi ?cant impact of management practices on the safe operation of ships has been recognized for some time The General Assembly of the International Maritime Organization requested the Maritime Safety Committee by resolution A to develop as a matter of urgency guidelines concerning shipboard and shore-based management and to include in the work program of both the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee an item on shipboard and shore-based management for the International Safety Management Code ISM Code The ISM Code was developed by the International Maritime Organization to provide the maritime community with an internationally recognized standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention Initially adopted as resolution A it later was incorporated into Chapter IX of the SOLAS convention and became mandatory for oil tankers chemical tankers bulk carriers and cargo high- speed craft of gross tonnage and upwards and for passenger ships including passenger high-speed craft from July Other cargo ships and self-propelled mobile o ?shore drilling units MODUs of gross tonnage and upwards subject to SOLAS were required to comply by July Other management system standards have been developed notably ISO ISO ISO and ISO non-speci ?c to the maritime industry which address management practices from the perspective of controlling quality environmental impacts energy performance and occupational health hazards These standards though not speci ?c to the marine industry provide useful guidance that can be employed in marine management and the operation of ships to further enhance management systems focused on the safe operating practices and prevention of pollution The general management system principles embodied by the ISM Code ISO ISO ISO and ISO have been incorporated in this Guide These principles where appropriate have been marinized in order to bring them within the concept of the industry itself This revision of the Guide incorporates changes to the requirements identi ?ed in ISO standard and ISM code edition Additionally requirements of OHSAS were replaced with the ISO standard Proper implementation of these requirements should assist the Company to take a risk-based approach and establish controls as appropriate ABS o ?ers this Guide to the maritime industry as a tool for enhancing marine management practices and further supporting responsible management in the operation of ships the prevention of pollution and improved energy performance This Guide becomes e ?ective on the ?rst day of the month of publication Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www eagle org to verify that this version of this Guide is the most current We welcome your feedback Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically by email to rsd eagle org ABS GUIDE FOR MARINE HEALTH SAFETY QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT ? ii CGUIDE FOR MARINE HEALTH

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  • Publié le Nov 14, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 262.2kB