Multi study guide Certi ?ed Flyers II BE Duchess Multi-Engine Study Guide Airport Rd Suite Morristown NJ Tel - Fax - www certi ?ed yers com April CCerti ?ed Flyers II Duchess Multi-Engine Study Guide The Certi ?ed Flyers Multi-Engine Study Guide is for re

Certi ?ed Flyers II BE Duchess Multi-Engine Study Guide Airport Rd Suite Morristown NJ Tel - Fax - www certi ?ed yers com April CCerti ?ed Flyers II Duchess Multi-Engine Study Guide The Certi ?ed Flyers Multi-Engine Study Guide is for reference only and is intended only to supplement not replace manufacturer and FAA publications such as the pilots operating handbook All pilots must operate the aircraft in accordance with the Pilot ? s Operating Handbook and abide by Federal Aviation Regulations Contents SECTION MULTI-ENGINE AERODYNAMICS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SECTION AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS AND LIMITATIONS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SECTION NORMAL FLIGHT PROCEDURES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SECTION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SECTION MULTI- ENGINE IN-FLIGHT MANEUVERS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? APPENDIX BE DUCHESS QUICK REFERENCE CHECKLIST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? APPENDIX INSTRUMENT APPROACH BRIEFING ?? PHASES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CCerti ?ed Flyers II Duchess Multi-Engine Study Guide Section Engine-out Aerodynamics TURNING TENDENCIES The turning tendencies that a ?ect a single engine aircraft p-factor torque spiraling slipstream gyroscopic precession will also a ?ect a multi-engine aircraft Because a multi-engine aircraft has two engines many of these turning tendencies increase A twin engine aircraft where both engines are rotating the same direction is called a conventional twin To combat p-factor and torque aircraft with counter- rotating propellers have been developed the BE Duchess has counter- rotating propellers The p-factor and torque from counter-rotating propellers cancel each other out which results in less rudder needed to oppose their turning tendencies CRITICAL ENGINE A critical engine is the engine which if lost will most adversely a ?ect the performance and handling characteristics of the aircraft The a ?ect of the critical engine is most signi ?cant when the aircraft is operating at low airspeed with a high power setting thus more p-factor and torque On a conventional twin with propellers rotating clockwise the critical engine is the left engine On an aircraft such as the BE Duchess with counter-rotating propellers there is not a critical engine because the yawing and rolling caused from losing either engine is identical There are four factors which determine if an engine is critical P-Factor Accelerated Slipstream Spiraling Slipstream Torque WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN ENGINE FAILS Two things happen when an engine fails Yaw and Roll towards the dead engine because now lift thrust and drag act on your aircraft asymmetrically Yaw- Asymmetrical thrust will cause a yawing motion around the C G toward the inoperative engine Roll- Induced ow Accelerated Slipstream- extra lift created by accelerated air over the wing from the operating engine and lack of induced ow from the inoperative engine

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  • Publié le Jan 05, 2023
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 119.2kB