Pronunciation guide 1 Pronunciation Guide The Good News There aren ? t any ??silent ? letters in Latin However Nota Bene It is important to distinguish the long and short vowels in Latin to avoid confusion such as we would have in English if we mispronoun

Pronunciation Guide The Good News There aren ? t any ??silent ? letters in Latin However Nota Bene It is important to distinguish the long and short vowels in Latin to avoid confusion such as we would have in English if we mispronounced din as dean or debt as date Therefore it is imperative that you learn the ??length ? of the vowels along with the spelling of the word In addition although you may be more familiar with ??Church Latin ? pronunciation which is closer to Italian French English Spanish pronunciations we will be focusing on the ?? Vulgate Latin ? pronunciation Vowels In Latin as in English the vowels are a e i o u Each of the Latin vowels may be pronounced long or short the di ?erence being one of time This is called quantity There is also a di ?erence of sound between the long and the short vowels except a This is called quality Long Vowels Short Vowels ? as in f ?ther f ?m ? cl ?r ? a as in ah ? as in th ?y r ?gina st ?lla e as in let as in pol ce v ta am cus i as in sit ? as in n ?te f ?rma n ?n o as in for as in r le d ra c ra u as in full CSome Helpful Hints I Long Vowels are usually marked with a macron ?? ?? whereas short vowels are left unmarked II A vowel is usually short before another vowel or h because h is weakly sounded III A vowel is short before nt nd ?nal m and t and usually ?nal r IV A vowel is long before a double consonant except nt and nd as in magister Diphthongs The ?rst three of the following diphthongs two vowels making one sound are the most common ones ae like ai in aisle praeda ei like ei in freight au like ou in out nauta eu like eh-oo pronounced quickly oe like oi in oil poena ue like oo-ee pronounced quickly only in cui and huic Consonants Nota Bene Basically consonants are pronounced in Latin as they are in English However b before s or t has the same sound as p subscribo subterraneus c is always hard as in cat never soft as in city carrus g is always hard as in go never soft as in gem magna i consonant has the sound of y in year i is a consonant when it occurs between vowels and at the beginning of a word before a vowel In essence it evolved into the modern j ieiunus iniuria Iuppiter s always has the sound of s in sin never the s in these insula t always has the sound of t in ten never the t in motion gratus Cv has the sound of w in will never the v in vigor via x has the sound of x in extra never the

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  • Publié le Nov 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 28.4kB