Rcm guide US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratories USACERL Technical Report April Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM Guide Operating a More E ?ective Maintenance Program Alan Chalifoux and Joyce Baird This manual outline
US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratories USACERL Technical Report April Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM Guide Operating a More E ?ective Maintenance Program Alan Chalifoux and Joyce Baird This manual outlines a comprehensive method of organizing an e ?cient maintenance program by applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM RCM combines professional intuition and a rigorous statistical approach and recognizes that di ?erent maintenance strategies apply to di ?erent facility equipment run-to-failure preventive predictive and proactive maintenance The RCM approach applies these di ?ering maintenance strategies in an optimal mix to ensure that facility equipment is maintained su ?cient to accomplish the facility mission without wasting maintenance labor This guide is meant to help maintenance supervisors managers and technicians organize and operate an e ?cient and e ?ective maintenance program in an environment of maintenance budget cutbacks Approved for public release distribution is unlimited CUSACERL TR Executive Summary Maintenance management is a complicated business Facility maintenance budgets are continually scrutinized by ?scal managers in a constant e ?ort to trim dollars Maintenance managers are under constant pressure to squeeze every last bit of productivity out of every maintenance dollar This manual outlines a comprehensive method of organizing an e ?cient maintenance program through applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM Combining professional intuition and a rigorous statistical approach RCM recognizes that there are di ?erent maintenance strategies followed for di ?erent facility equipment run-to- failure preventive maintenance predictive maintenance and proactive maintenance The RCM approach applies these di ?ering maintenance strategies in an optimal mix to ensure that facility equipment is being maintained su ?cient to accomplish the facility mission without wasting inordinate amounts of maintenance labor ??baby sitting ? facility equipment This manual presents the RCM approach for maintenance supervisors managers and technicians to use as a guide in organizing and operating a tight coste ?ective ??lean and mean ? maintenance program in light of and in spite of the continual cutbacks in maintenance budgets C USACERL TR Foreword This study was conducted for the Facilities Management Division EMD at Madigan Army Medical Center MAMC under Project A D ??Industrial Operations Pollution Control Technology ? Work Unit Y ??Reliability Centered Maintenance ? The technical monitor was Michael Carico MAMC-FMD The work was performed by the Industrial Operations Division UL-I of the Utilities and Industrial Operations Laboratory UL U S Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories CERL The CERL principal investigators were Alan Chalifaux and Jearldine I Northrup Special credit is given to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA for the use of its document Reliability Centered Maintenance Guide for Facilities and Collateral Equipment December in the preparation of this report Walter J Mikucki is Chief CECER-UL-I Dr John Bandy is Laboratory Operations Chief CECERUL and Gary W Schanche was the responsible Technical Director CECER-TD The CERL technical editor was William J Wolfe Technical Information Team Dr Michael J O ? Connor is Director of USACERL CUSACERL TR Contents Executive Summary Foreword Introduction Background Objectives Approach
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- Publié le Jui 06, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 284.4kB