Semantic based automated reassembly of heritage fragments

Semantic-based automated reassembly of heritage fragments CeROArt Conservation exposition Restauration d ? Objets d ? Art Open issue Flux - Articles Semantic-based automated reassembly of heritage fragments Marie-Morgane Paumard https doi org ceroart Abstracts Français English L'intelligence arti ?cielle apporte des solutions à de nombreux problèmes de conservation du patrimoine Parmi ceux-ci la reconstruction d'artefacts pourrait être facilitée gr? ce à l ? automatisation Après la di ?usion des techniques de réassemblage basées sur la continuité des motifs ou des fractures la dernière décennie a vu l'essor des algorithmes basés sur la sémantique Ceux-ci permettent d'e ?ectuer des t? ches visuelles en utilisant le sens de ce qui est représenté sur les images Nous présumons que ces méthodes aideront à résoudre les problèmes patrimoniaux ne pouvant être solutionnés par les méthodes classiques par exemple lorsque les fragments sont trop érodés pour utiliser les continuités Arti ?cial intelligence provides archeologists and conservators with solutions to many problems Among them artifact reconstruction would surely bene ?t from smart automation After the spread of the vision-based reassembly techniques that use either fractures or pattern continuity the last decade has seen the rise of semantic-based algorithms that allow performing computer vision tasks using the meaning of what is represented We expect that such methods would help to solve some of the most di ?cult heritage problems that cannot be addressed by traditional methods often because the fragments are too eroded to make continuity-based deductions Index terms Keywords apprentissage profond vision par ordinateur optimisation remontage automatique Keywords deep learning computer vision optimization automatic reassembly Full text https journals openedition org ceroart C Introduction Semantic-based automated reassembly of heritage fragments The archaeological site of Vaux-de-la-Celle Fig in the Val d'Oise is an exceptional Gallo-Roman sanctuary made up of the ruins of a temple with two cells surrounded by a circulation gallery pools and a theater that can accommodate up to people Barrière Fig Vaux-de-la-Celle The blocks from Vaux-de-la-Celle a are stored for future reassembly of the temple b c ?La Gazette Val d ? Oise ?Le Parisien ?Association APSAGE The ?rst fanum is dated to the middle of the ?rst century AD and the architectural ensemble was built a few decades later During the rd century the site was gradually abandoned after the rd century and its monuments served as a stone quarry until modern times The ?rst excavations were undertaken in by Pierre Orième From the team of volunteers led by Pierre-Henri Mitard discovered most of the known remains theater main temple and annex temples settlements sacred area The existence of an agglomeration was brought to light in the early s The ritual and everyday objects discovered as well as the sculpted blocks are kept at the Archaeological Museum of Val d'Oise Archaeologists now want to reassemble the building from the hundreds of sculpted blocks The task was too complex for people to undertake and it is thanks to advances in arti ?cial intelligence that computer reassembly is now possible This reassembly problem gave rise

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  • Publié le Aoû 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 61kB